Steel Fists Smithy

Recently constructed, Steel Fists Smithy specialises in Dwarven designed weapons, armour, and equipment for a fairly high price. Often being sold to nobility, these items are of top quality.    The smith itself is quite modern, utilising modern building techniques in its construction of stone brick as well as magically enhanced smithing parts. Of note, Steel Fists does not have a store front - rather it functions entirely off of commissioned work.


Steel Fists employs about only 3 people. The owner, Netdrael, as well as 2 apprentices who mostly help around the smithy.   

Notable Employees

  • Ialsana Holland, Owlin, Femae, Late Teens, Apprentice
  • Lawrence Rufford, Human, Male, Early 20s, Apprentice 
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Name Description Cost
+1 Melee Weapon A non-magical +1 weapon  Weapon Cost x3
+2 Melee Weapon A non-magical +2 weapon Weapon Cost x5
+1 Metal Armour  Non-magical +1 set of metal armour Armour Cost x3
+2 metal armour Non-magical +2 set of metal armour Armour Cost x5
Steel Jewellery  Steel circlets, rings, and more 15 gp
Silver Jewellery Silver circlets, rings, and more 100 gp
Gold Jewellery  Gold circlets, rings, and more 250 gp
Silver Edging  Edging a blade in silver 15 gp