The Hilt

At the end of a massive sword sits a city by a bay. This is the Hilt, Requiems seat of power in many ways. Its monarch sits within the Fuller Keep. The Hilt connects Requiem to the world through its teleportation circle tower, allowing the nobility to quickly teleport from kingdom to kingdom. The largest magical university sits within the Hit, University of the Hilt. And the massive blade is also seen as a place of worship to Solaris, the god of Swords. The massive city is also home to the Merc Market, or as its normally called - the Slice, a market at the tip of the sword where mercenaries sell their services and purchase their gear.   Running through the city is a river used as public transportation via ferries. The Hilt features 2 universities - the University of the Hilt and the Royal Academy of Engineers. The Hilts seat as a magical power is seen in its lit streets, loud live bands, and large population of extra planar and magical creatures.   The Hilt is a hub for mercenaries and adventurers throughout Aesteria, with homebases for every major mecenary outfit or adventuring guild found within the city. This extends out to other guilds who use Requiems lax tax laws on guilds to place their headquarters in various spots throughout. From Wanderlust to the Astral Hand, any guild with a big enough presence can be found within the Hilts walls.    Split into multiple districts, the Hilt is a mishmash of culture throughout the majority of the city. Various religions, ethnicities, and ways of life live throughout all but the most expensive neighbourhoods. With the amount of trade and traffic that comes through the city the people who live in the Hilt are often quite connected to one another,.    Various gangs have sprouted up in the Hilt, often peddling drugs. Though smuggling and various other crimes still persist in the city, it's largest crime problems resides in the trio of gangs that work out of the east and northern side of the city. Though the guards have tried to halt these groups, rarely do they success - often undermanned or paid off to look the other way.    The Hilt also functions as Requiems military capital. It's primarily naval and army forts reside in the borders of the Hilt, combined with its hefty detatchment of Wyven Knights and its strong walls the Hilt has proven to be a tough target in the case of war. This has been the case for centuries though, as the Hilt is recorded to have been a strong military post for the Empire before the various rebellions led to the Hilt becoming a stronghold for factions outside of Imperial control.    To most, the Hilts most important feature is the Titans Sword at its center. This massive blade functions as tourist trap, symbol of Requiem, sundial, and bird nest. Touching the sword is illegal (though that doesn't stop everyone) and rarely does it find use bar a giant sundial. During wartime though, Wyvern Knights may fly up and roost at the crossguard - functioning as lookouts incase of invasion.


The Hilt is a heavily mixed demographic.


The Hilt is run by its lord, the Lord of the Walls - who also has a council who helps the day to day.


  • The Hilt Map
    Map of the Hilt, Requiems Capital
Alternative Name(s)
City of Swords
Large city
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization