Theory about Grays and Witches

Gray Witchkiller, final part

For quite some time now, it has been known that when somebody kills a Witch, all of the Colors within their body spill out and fill the Witchkiller instead, turning them into a beast and oversaturating the land with everything their body couldn't contain.   It has also been known that individuals afflicted with a condition that drains their bodies of all Colors and turns them Gray are the only ones capable of taking down said Witchkiller beasts as their bodies can neutralize any amounts of Colors without any adverse effects. They are even capable of cleaning up oversaturated areas, should they ever stay in one place long enough. However, their call always pulls them towards another Witchkiller beast.   Having two of those things in mind, people started to wonder. What would happen if a Gray killed a Witch? And as an interesting an idea this is, people know that it is one thing that they will never learn. After all, no one has ever heard of a Gray that would ever want to do anything else than track and kill a Witchkiller beast. Bah, no one has ever seen a Gray and Witch being in the same place before. In fact, it is so preposterous, that it turned into a kind of joke among people who love to create and listen to conspiracy theories. Even if there are rumors of Witches monitoring Grays more and more, especially the ones showing more individuality than others of their kin.  
As the Gray mage stood over the bodies of the last Golden Shields and two unconscious Red-Plated Hounds, Goddess-Witch finally decided to show up in the main room of her little Divine Sanctuary.
The Gray mage looked at his little Wreath of Heath. That last fight used up the last drops of Color within it. Luckily, he didn't need it anymore. He looked in front of himself.
The self-proclaimed "goddess" said something. He didn't care. She got angrier and angrier. Some spells hit him, but as their Colors touched his body, they turned Gray and fell to the floor. It was high time to end this farce of hers. He took the sword of one of her elite guards. She tried to back away but stepped at the spot he stood before during his fight. The floor gave under her, turning to dust as he recalled the Colors with the Step of the Ruin. She tried to say something when the blade pierced through her chest and sank deeper into her. The Gray mage became a Witchkiller.   Suddenly, the Colors burst out of her body and started flowing into him. Or at least they tried, because the moment they touched his body, they turned Gray and wetted the floor like normal water. This lasted for a moment, and yet nothing spilled out, nothing got infected by oversaturation. When it all stopped, his theory was proven right. The third step of his plan was complete. He left Sacra Magica donning back the disguise of Ray L.
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Cover image: by Revyera


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