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Wrent Dicaspiron

Wrent Dicaspiron (a.k.a. The Skinner)

female human cult leader

After losing her husband and son in the mayhem of the Fiendflesh Siege, Wrent Dicaspiron spiraled from a motherly provider and friendly neighborhood butcher shop owner into a psychotic mass murderer, cult leader, and zealous worshipper of Father Skinsaw aspect of Norgorber. After killing a tax collector in cold blood, and possessing a new obsession with her worship of the villainous Ascended god, she cleared out a space beneath the Ascendant Court's hidden Catacombs, resurrecting the Skinsaw Cult in Absalom and murdering hundreds of people over the next few years, gaining the status of an urban legend in some districts. Prior to her defeat and capture, she was in league with a secretive cabal of powerful Norgorberites, the Twilight Four, and through her representation of the Father Skinsaw aspect, aided the group's “seize power from Absalom's rulers for the glory of Norgorber” through profane blood rituals and mass murder. She is currently jailed at Edgewatch Station pending her trial and sentencing.

Dicaspiron has recently met with Samel Maleagant, a high profile lawyer and fellow Norgorberite, although his open disdain for her crimes, and her personally, could not be more evident. Likewise, Dicaspiron loathes Maleagant, seeing him as a heretic, and would likely dispose of him herself, if given the opportunity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Carrying a towering, heavyset frame covering dense muscles, Wrent has kept healthy by lifting weights and sides of frozen meat alike. Surprisingly adept at wielding cleavers, knives, meat hooks, and other tools of the butcher's trade, in addition to dual-ended hooked chains. She cares little for her physical appearance and has let her hygiene and dental state go to waste, leaving her with a gruesome mien and frequently bloodshot eyes.

Mental characteristics


Poorly educated, but skilled at her former trade in her shop as a butcher.


Manager, owner, and head butcher of her shop, Blackhem Butchers. After the loss of her family and the shop's eventual closure, Wrent consolidated and formed the Skinsaw Cult in Absalom in the Catacombs of the Ascendant Court.

Mental Trauma

Devastated after the death of her family during the Fiendflesh Seige, Wrent spiraled into reclusive despondency, growing hostile toward neighbors and old friends over time. Her full mental break occurred with the brutal murder of a tax collector, Kacper Ross, and her devotion to Father Skinsaw aspect of Norgorber.

Morality & Philosophy

Wrent seeks to emulate and venerate the most brutal and sadistic tones of Father Skinsaw in her leadership of the Skinsaw Cult.


Contacts & Relations

Twilight Four (formerly, now cut off)
Skinsaw Cult (disbanded)
Mobana (Skinsaw seamstress)
Maurissa Jonne (liason)
Fayati Alummur (launderer)
Hendrid Pratchett (dejected hopeful)

Family Ties

Ferdi Dicaspiron, husband (deceased)
Gustaw Dicaspiron, son (deceased)

Religious Views

Norgorber; Father Skinsaw aspect

Wealth & Financial state

Unfamiliar with handling large sums of money herself and with no legitimate way of earning income, Dicaspiron fenced the material belongings of her victims through the Copper Hand. With her remaining personal belongings seized with her arrest, Dicaspiron is presumed to be without two crowns to rub together.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Arrested; awaiting trial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Skinner (Twilight Four)
The Butcher of Blackhem Street (urban legend)
Current Residence
Edgewatch jail
Norgorber; Father Skinsaw aspect


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