Huus Patteress Organization in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Huus Patteress

Huus Patteress was one of the oldest and most venerable noble houses of the Kingdom of Elysia. It was commonly referred to as "The Fourth House" and was significant in that it was the oldest noble house of the kingdom that did not precede the split of Eldess Kingdoms.   Another common nickname was "House of Devotion", named so because of the family's ethos of nurturing twin allegiances; one to the Throne of Storms and the other to the Church of Marha. Lords of Huus Patteress were also distinct in their tradition to eschew political ambition, choosing instead to serve the church and the throne equally.   This all changed when King Alfred Eldessyr died with no living heir in CA 16. Before he passed, the King tapped Lord Jefford Patteress to lead their country as Regent with the explicit task that he name the next monarch of Elysia.


As with all noble houses of both Eldess Kingdoms, Huus Patteress followed a monarchical organizational structure. One person, usually the oldest living firstborn male, lead the family and held the title of "Lord". Unless he proclaimed otherwise before his death, upon his passing, the title and responsibilities of leadership passed to his firstborn son. Though uncommon, occasionally a woman would lead the house but the same norms of inheritance held.


Before Nobility

The Patteress clan was said to originate amongst the plains tribes of the Stormlands. They came under the rule of the Korthan Nation during their conquest of the region in the latter half of the 13th century bCA. After the founding of Kingdom of Eldessar, the clan prospered. Their early success was due to a particular acumen with agriculture and specifically animal husbandry. Their success saw them migrate closer and closer to the capital city as the decades and generations passed.   The family's ties to the Church of Marha also grew stronger during the early history of the kingdom. By the time Eldessar reached its largest size, the Patteress clan was well known for their devotion to the church.  
The Eldess War
Ascension to Nobility

Age of Law

The Horde Wars

The Current Age

Ascension to the Throne

Our honor is in our service

Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization

Articles under Huus Patteress


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