Calendars in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The solar year on Aiaos is just over 367 days long. A stable, standardised calendar is achieved almost universally by adding one intercalary day every 5 years.   The lunar month is 28 days, and the lunar year 364 days long, so that the lunar year does not match with the solar.   There is a 237 year cycle of sidereal precesion.   The oldest known calendrical system is the Draconic Reckoning , said to have been created at the same moment as the borth of the first mortal Dragons brought time into being. The Draconic Reckoning is not used by many modern races, as it is based around the perfect, harmonious cycle of the years, which was broken by the Colossus War.   Instead, most mortal calendars are based on the Old Count, the calendar of the Regime, the dwarvern Geological Count, or the orcish Legion Reckoning.   Major Calendars   Aside from the Draconic, most calendars divide the year into four seasons, each centred on one of the cardinal points of the year:
  • Zenith - When the sun rises to its highest point in the sky.
  • Autumnal Halfsky – When the sun is at the mipoint of its cycle, moving towards Nadir.
  • Nadir – When the sun is lowest and the days are coolest.
  • Vernal Halfsky – When the sun is at the mipoint of its cycle, moving towards Zenith.

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