Ashara Zylris Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Ashara Zylris

High Priestess Ashara

"You've no notion, do you? No notion of the crimes your people have committed do you? The burning of my home, and yet you've the gull to accuse me of being a criminal." - Ashara
One of the last wood elves to be born in The Golden Forest, Ashara was forced out of her home after The Martian Empire sent her people into exodus. Despite being young during the burning of The Golden Forest, Ashara remembered this event, and grew resentful of human ever since. Being brought up in The Ithryl Woods instead, Ashara saw many elves interacting freely with humans. After feeding her resentment of humans by often taking in anti-human propaganda, Ashara eventually sought out others that desired what she wanted.   Although this was tempered for some time with her apprenticeship under the renowned druid, Tharaz Tonack, but, after hearing of countless atrocities from the human invaders from the north (The Valkan Raiders), as well as learning more about the yuan-ti of Oshal, and realising that her mentor, who she looked up to greatly, has actively decided to do nothing about either, and would stay a hermit in Saol's Grove, Ashara left seeking a new master.   She came across Zarian, Son of the Ascended, after traversing to the forsaken Deadlands, and joined the Obsidian Council, learning from Zarian as another one of his apprentices.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Having alabaster skin, which is strange for wood elves that often have tan skin, Ashara looks more like a high elf than a wood elf. Her hair is messy, bushy and large often having flowers growing in it, possibly as a tribute to her druidic roots. Her eyes are a bright green, almost as though they are glowing, like they are filled with magic.Wearing a simple green dress, with creeping vines growing up her legs. Her staff appears like a long, dark tree branch, with skulls strapped to the top, showing her new magic stemming from her warlock bonds.
Date of Birth
26th of Coremin
Bright Green
Bushy, dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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