Calder Echarlion Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Calder Echarlion

Commander of Knaeva

Once a master of the The Bloodhunter Guild of the Werewolf, Calder Echarlion now acts as a commander and personal bodyguard of Knaeva's leader, Algar Sondell, as well as being the official father to the girl who was once his ward, Bethany Echarlion Beaufort, who took his late wife's maiden name. Despite curing himself of the Bloodhunter abilities, Calder is still an extremely skilled warrior, as well as a capable leader in battle, causing many of the Sentinels  in The Citadel of Knaeva to admire him. He also acts as the kingdoms expert on beasts and creatures, due to his experience with them during his time as a master Bloodhunter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Calder was once a guard captain in the Valkan isle of Ruvar, but, after the town was beseeched by harpies and saved by the hired Bloodhunter, Forniron, Calder was sickened by his inability to deal with the monsters. For a long time, he also did not agree with the ruthless raiding tactics used by his people, often attending meetings with the second son of the King, Prince Algar Sondell. In time, he decided to leave, becoming a Bloodhunter. He accomplished many incredible feats in his time with the Guild of the Werewolf, but his most famous was the unseating of the Duke of Zafeíri, who turned out to be a doppelganger. There, he fell in love with one of Zafieri's famed fencers, who had aided him, and the two left together. The fencer's name was Zaraliah Beaufort, and the she too became a Bloodhunter before spending the rest of her life with Calder.   During his time as a Bloodhunter, he would essentially adopt the human girl, Bethany, along with Zaraliah. Tragedy would strike when the Bloodhunters would call a meeting, deciding what to do with the hunter that assassinated the King of Alderhardt, as assassinating people is against the Bloodhunter code. Deciding that the Grand Masters would work together to create a cure for the Blood Ritual, and force that hunter to take the cure, then hand him off to the new King. Instead, the Bloodhunters were attacked, and, other than Caius Vendel, who was busy fighting the Cult of Lilith, Lady of Treachery, and Beth, who wasn't a Bloodhunter and was training with the elves of Feywild, Calder was the only survivor. In his grief of loosing his family and the woman he loved, Calder took the cure, becoming human once again, and returning to Beth to act as her true father.   He would then seek out Algar after he too left The Valkan Isles, joining as one of the first Sentinels of Knaeva.


Bethany Echarlion Beaufort

Adopted Daughter (Vital)

Towards Calder Echarlion



Calder Echarlion

Adoptive Father (Vital)

Towards Bethany Echarlion Beaufort



Date of Birth
9th of Alcelle
Year of Birth
439 ADE 43 Years old
Shoulder length, Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Myths

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