Cosette Bohle Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Cosette Bohle

A second in command to Nyx'aleon, being one of the main leaders of The Bounty of Kings and Nyx's most loyal confidant, Cosette is a skilled thief, taking from the Church based in Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings, while remaining anonymous, unlike her leader. This makes her the perfect person for reconnaissance, spying on potential targets either with the cover of night or through deceit. To many, she appears like any other young woman making her way through life in the religious city, but to those in the know, Cosette is one of the best thieves around.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Cosette's early life, for the most part, was not an uncommon story. Coming from a village that had suffered a yuan-ti attack, she went to Strobenheim, hoping that she would be adopted by the Church so that she would have somewhere safe to stay. The Church turned her away; however, causing her to live on the streets, doing her best to follow in her parent's footsteps, playing her lute and singing to make enough money to get by. Being very young at the time, and only really having that lute, as well as the clothes on her back, many took pity on her, with other buskers giving her tips, turning her into quite the musician. By the time she was fourteen, she was making enough of a comfortable living, staving of hunger quite comfortably. Unfortunately, she still had nowhere to live, moving around the city to find shelter where she could. 

Being Taken In

One day, Cosette played too close to the city's cathedral. She hoped that by playing traditional, religious songs, she would be able to make a bit more money. This did not go the way she wanted; however, as the local militia, The Arms of Elysium, claimed that she was committing acts of heresy by doing so, taking her lute, leaving her with nothing. This is when she came across the thief, Nyx'aleon, who say a kindred soul, stealing back her lute and taking her under his wing, allowing her to stay in his home in the unused catacombs underneath. From then on, the two became inseparable, with Cosette learning the art of thievery from Nyx'aleon, being like a little sister to the high elf as he guided her into her adulthood.  

Founding the Bounty

Although Nyx'aleon always considered himself a loner, Cosette was proof that contradicted this, and she knew it. Being around him also made her even more resentment of the Church. This caused her to believe that they should get their own back against the Church, aiding others that felt the way that they did. The disgruntled public aided  in this after the many rumours surrounding the Church's champion, Garan Lemont, arouse. Many orphans in positions similar to them joined them after this, as Nyx'aleon made his position public after Cosette spent a great deal of time convincing him to do so. Although this made him a known criminal, it also allowed the two to create the Bounty of Kings, a thieves guild that stole from the Church, given their inordinate wealth.
Date of Birth
33rd of Rizora
Year of Birth
462 ADE 20 Years old
Blue (sometimes grey)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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