Nyx'aleon Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Leader of The Bounty of Kings, based in the city of Strobenheim, Nyx'aleon is an admittedly self proclaimed master thief; however, unlike many others, he has many accolades to his name that support his claim. Given his position at the head of the guild, he is the only one that is known by the authorities, meaning that, unlike many of his operatives, he does not lead another life, instead spending most of his time in the guild's headquarters in Strobenheim's old catacombs. Despite being in charge of what is effectively a crime organisation, Nyx'aleon is not heavily criminalised, as the local, public opinion of the Church is rather negative, leading to many actually going out of their way to aid him, essentially getting their own back against the Church.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Like many younger elves of Alderhardt, Nyx'aleon, referred to as Nyx by friends, was born and raised in the city of Valenrouse. They were not the most affluent of families; however, struggling to scrape enough to get by. Eventually they were unable to keep up with the cost of living in the city, instead deciding to move to Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings, in the hopes that the Church would take them all in. They did not; however, leaving them to starve in the city as more homeless elves seeking refuge. Nyx's parent did their best to keep their son as well fed as possible, keeping their child as innocent as possible, but that entire illusion shattered the moment that the passed away, leaving a young Nyx all alone.

Resentment of the Church

These events made Nyx'aleon hate the Church. This resentment magnified as The Arms of Elysium treated him like dirt, rather than being the accommodating, chivalrous soldiers that they were supposed to be, causing him to decide that he could no longer survive within the confines of the law. This is when he became a thief, stealing food from the supplies given to The Arms of Elysium at first, but upping it to their general supplies, luxuries and weapons as he got older, selling them back to traders who sold them to the guards in the first place.   Knowing that orphans would usually be taken up The Arms of Elysium, and beginning to wonder why he was never picked up by them. He then met another orphan, far younger than him, as he was far past his first century at this point, who had been abandoned by the Church as he had been. The orphan was Cosette Bohle, who attempted to make money by playing her lute while singing, only to have her lute taken by The Arms, saying that busking in the streets was illegal, leaving her without a way of making money. Nyx stole the lute back for Cosette, as well as some food, taking her under his wing. The two became inseparable, being partners in crime and always having each other's back.  

Forming of The Bounty

Years later, Nyx took many others under his wing, as a great number of people became disgruntled with the Church after their champion, Garan Lemont became involved with many, heinous rumours. Now having this many under his leadership, he realised that he would need to create a true base, a true organisation. From this, he created The Bounty of Kings, taking up room in the abandoned catacombs of the city, making that their base of operations. For nearly half a decade, Nyx led the guild, becoming somewhat famed in the city, making it nearly impossible for him to walk out in plain daylight.
Date of Birth
44th of Lyntel
Year of Birth
352 ADE 130 Years old
Long, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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