Tharla Olyth Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Tharla Olyth

The Moon Touched Priestess

Born to a wood elven father and drow mother, Tharla was met with a great deal of discrimination due to her parentage, but, after years of adventuring with The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt, Tharla eventually earned the respect of her people. Because of her power and devotion to Avalaore, the Raven Queen, Tharla became the High Priestess of Avalencia, giving her both great political and religious power in Avalencia.   During the last few years, Tharla is doing her best to aid her people in defence against the horrors of the Underdark, while attempting to maintain the alliance between her people, the high elves of The Ithryl Woods and Feywild. She has also been acting as a symbol for many of the drow in Avalencia, as many look to her during this time of uneasy alliances, as she was the mainly the reason why her people were finally heard out by their high elven and eladrin kin.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Her once dark blue hair has been permanently changed to a very pale lilac, ever since she succeed the trial of Avalore, becoming one of the few Lunar elves in the world, resulting in white tattoos around her eyes. She is rather average in build for her size, still having some extra muscle definition from her time as an adventurer, and her slender frame (common amongst drow) makes her flowing, wavy hair appear even longer. When pushed to cast the strongest of her divine magic, a crescent shape will appear on her forehead, glowing intently, lighting her pale, slightly red tinted skin, which she used to hate, as it reflected her wood elven heritage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Being born to a drow woman that had a one night stand with a wood elf, Tharla suffered a great deal of discrimination for her parentage. The drow people are known for their traditionally racist and materialistic society feeling as though those on the surface had abandoned them, while the other societies of the Underdark were either beneath them or too monstrous to be considered true people. The thought of a drow having a child with a wood elf went against everything that they stood for and believed in, and many made it very apparent to Tharla and her mother that she was only allowed to be born and kept alive because she was female. What did not help her situation was that she was born in the drow capital of Avalencia, which ended up being one of the few drow cities left in The Continent. Because of Avalencia's policies, Tharla was not permitted to take her mother's surname, instead being given the name of Olyth, meaning 'half breed'.  

Early Life

Although she was grateful for being well fed and having a warm place to sleep, Tharla was not treated well at all, being seen as the lowest form of scum. She was denied a proper education, only being taught by her mother, who turned into a priestess of Avalencia so that she could protect her daughter. Tharla herself often says that, were it not for her mother, she could have easily grown up resentful of those that wronged her, being an extremely spiteful person. To many people's surprise, she ended up becoming quite the kind young woman, becoming a priestess just like her mother, specialising in healing, hoping that her work would lead to others accepting her one day.   Her job as a healer did grant her some respect, though not as much as she would have liked. She saved the life of the young operative Nessa Haas, a noble born woman that was a part of a renowned house, gaining both h trust and friendship. Nessa helped make Tharla's life a little easier moving forward, assuring that she would no longer suffer assaults that she had become accustomed to. This was little comfort to her; however, as her mother became severely ill, possibly contracting an outside disease from one of the drow soldiers that she healed. She found next to no help after this, with many simple calling her a whore or strumpet when Tharla asked for aid on her behalf. Despite her abilities, the daughter was unable to save the mother, being left alone without the one person who loved her dearly.  

Suffering Exile

It was only weeks later that Tharla was forced from her home. Other than Nessa, many did not go after Tharla because of her mother. In spite of her reputation, she had the protection of the Church of the Raven Queen, which extended to Tharla as long as her mother lived, as they wanted little to do with a half born. Without her mother, she did not have this protection, those that always had it out for her came when Nessa was no longer at Avalencia, possibly being sent away on an assignment. A drow noble, who always thought that Tharla was quite beautiful, despite her parentage, and sought to have his way with her. Because of her powers, she managed to fight him off, only to be banished at his request, only being allowed to take half of her belongings, the other half being taken by the cities' governing body as 'rightful punishment'.  

Forging a New Life

Tharla travelled aimlessly for a fair few months, travelling to the surface, which she had no experience with previously, save the stores from her mother and Nessa. One of the many things that she was woefully unprepared for was the yuan-ti of Oshal, being attacked by a squadron that had tunnelled through the earth to take slaves. She was to be turned into a slave, being transported atop a giant serpent alongside two eladrin nobles. Ready to accept her fate, knowing deep down that no one would come to liberate her, she resigned herself to her fate. Fortunately for Tharla, she was wrong. The yuan-ti that captured her were slain by a pair of twin Ellhesari knights, Echaron and Ellaria Fellon.   Although they were not here to save Tharla specifically, instead there to save the eladrin nobles, she was not neglected, much to her surprised. She immediately realised that Ellaria was the by the books one of the two, but allowed her brother to take Tharla to Saol's Grove while she took the nobles back to the Feywild. The drow was baffled by this at first, not being able to properly process the idea that a stranger, who should be her enemy, because of the difficult history between the drown and eladrin, would help her out of the goodness of his heart. She remained reluctant at first, only to be worn down by his genuine nature and jesting, accepting him as a friend in their weeks of travel to the Grove.   Whilst in the Grove, she met Tharaz Tonack and the other protectors of the place, who gladly accepted her, ready to provide for her if need to be. She was taken aback by such generosity, and by the time she was able to properly absorb what had happened to her in such a short period of time, Echaron left to return home before she was able to thank him, much to her dismay. During her time in the Grove, she was given the nickname of 'Lunar' by one of its other denizens, Lynell Jaddis, due to her connotations with the Raven Queen, which the lesser moon was named after.  

Founding the Gauntlet

Luckily, Lunar would get her chance to thank him, as he too was banished from his home because of his association with the drow. Although he never blamed her, Lunar felt so incredibly guilty that, when he decided to journey with Tharaz after assassins were sent to end the half orc, hoping to discover who wanted him dead, she followed them, despite being much less proficient in the art of battle. She followed the pair to Kitzstadt in the hopes of contacting The Azure Owls here to find who desired Tharaz's death. They needed leverage to get The Azure Owls to show their hand, so they entered the tournament, enlisting Yenros Karden, Carrius Simara, Faenor Anari, Uther Nariak Flintvigor Gathakupine Artax and Kallun Bandur to join them. With their new allies, they founded The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., winning the tournament and using that as a platform to gain the information they required, finding out a cult dedicated to the demi-god Kanerast, The Mad Son, wanted Tharaz's head. Soon after Kallun left to go back home and enjoy his life in retirement.  

Time in the Gauntlet

Playing the role of the medic in the party, Lunar was vital, being considered by the others as the heart of the group. Although she and Echaron became lovers part way through the party's time spent adventuring, with the death of Artax and the hands of the necromancer Allohaust being what gave the drow the courage to ask the young eladrin out, she admitted to Faenor, who was her closest friend in the group, that she fell for him long before that. The adventures changed a lot in Lunar, making her far more confident in both her worth and abilities, with the healthy environment her colleges made around her doing a great deal to rid her of her insecurities.   One of her greatest moments of validation came when she became one of Avalore, the Raven Queen's chosen, being granted greater power to prevent the release of Lolth into the Material Realm. Now having the confidence of someone who knew their worth, while remaining humble, Lunar aided in being the moral centre of the party along with Yenros, aiding in advising in difficult decision made by the party's leader, which changed from Tharaz to Echaron in their last few months. She was more so instrumental in the redemption of Candorran Fellon, a member of the Cult of Kanerast and an enemy of the party, being the one to revive him after his death at the hands of his cousin, Echaron. She also was the one largely responsible for talking him into joining the party afterwards, her unwavering commitment to do what is right eventually breaking through to the jaded ex-cultist.  

Achieving Acceptance

After aiding in the defeat of Kanerast himself, Lunar was invited home to Avalencia, with the coronation of the new queen, Dalia, who enlisted Nessa as her head operative. With her begin accepted by the Raven Queen herself, there was little argument about her returning to the city that she was raised in. Being made the High Priestess of the city, her relationship with Echaron aided in the creation of an alliance between the three remaining elf kingdoms; however, to this day, Lunar insists that she had little to do with the entire thing, always stating that the crowning of three new, young rulers at around the same time allowed for a collective change in mindset that would have occurred with or without her. Even if this was true, her involvement in the creation of the alliance would never be doubted, and the visits she receives from Echaron after this had been officially allowed by both King Rotholian Glyn of Ellhesari and Queen Dalia of Avalencia.


Echaron Fellon

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Tharla Olyth



Tharla Olyth

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Echaron Fellon




After saving Tharla from the slave pits of yuan-ti and travelling together for a time, the two fell in love, and we later banished together because of this. They've been through a lot in their twenty year relationship, and neither's affection has ever waned, leading to Echaron eventually proposing to her beloved.

Nicknames & Petnames

Echaron - Eck, Echar | Tharla - Lunar

Date of Birth
2nd of Corrien
Year of Birth
366 ADE 116 Years old
Echaron Fellon (Fiance)
Pale Blue
Pale Lilac (Once Dark Blue)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey, tint of red
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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