Isle of Pithíkon
The Isle of Pithíkon, often simply referred to as Pithíkon, is an island within The Tirmari Archipelago, officially under the governmental rule of The Tirmari Council. It is one of the smallest islands in the Archipelago, being near equal in size to The Isle of Beasts and is the furthest from Tirmar's capital of Zafeíri, geographically speaking. Its location also makes it relatively close to the main land of the rest of The Continent, being closest to the south of The Ithryl Woods.
Many would think that this would lead to many elves using ferries to go to and fro from the isle to the mainland; however, this is simply not the case. The isle's populous, although acknowledged by The Tirmari Council as citizens of their country, largely keep to themselves, in a similar way to the denizens of the Isle of Beasts, benefiting from the freedom that their country is famed for. This means that the location is very rarely visited by outsiders. That being said, this does not mean the inhabitants of the isle are abundant, despite being left well enough alone.
The isle itself is predominately covered in tropical jungles, having equally as exotic wildlife, with the isle being known for its local species of monkey, being the olive baboon. It home to many ruins of The Nashuto, who attempted to settle in some of Tirmar islands, only to end up leaving to be integrated into other civilisations or simply just dying out on their own. Many of the tribal inhabitants now reside in these ruins, upgrading to them from their very basic huts, living in them as though they were the ones that built them in the first place, withhe most famous of these building being the Ruijin Monastery
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