Shari Eichwald Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Shari Eichwald

Lieutenant of The Knights of Alderhardt

"With Ollorim gone, I suppose I would be acting Commander... Oh shit, I'm going to be acting Commander." - Shari
The adopted daughter of the famed The Demon Knight, Grigor, Shari is the young lieutenant of the The Knights of Alderhardt, and acting captain of Kitzstadt's city guard. Despite her youth, Shari is well respected among the other knights, and is noted, much like her adopted father, to be a prodigy of war. Despite this, Shari often finds herself being in the shadow of her father, finding it difficult to live up to those expectations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born a Slave; Raised a Free Child

Shari's parents were assumed to be residents of The Tirmari Archipelago, given her half Nashuto heritage, and were, at some point, captured by the yuan-ti, taken to Oshal, where they were forced to become slaves. Being slaves, they were not treated well, and Shari's mother, who was pregnant with her at the time, had failing health as a result. She would not survive the birth of her child, being left in the care of her father instead. He too would be slain, as the slave camp they were in was attacked, and he would not survive the ensuing chaos. Shari would then be adopted by the leader of the liberating forces, Grigor Eichwald 

A Strange Childhood

Grigor, being raised as a warrior and lacking parents of his own, struggled to look after Shari, although he tried his best, and she ended up being quite the polite girl in her early childhood. He wanted his adoptive daughter to learn more of her actual heritage; however, so he sent her to a boarding school in Tirmar, with her returning at the age of sixteen. During this time, she picked up some Tirmari fencing, and found that she was quite talented in swordplay, so when she return, she asked her father to train her as a knight. Other than learning of her heritage, and picking up some basic sword skills, Shari also picked up the Tirmari accent, which, even after years of living in Alderhardt, has not faded.

Becoming a Lieutenant 

Shari managed to live up to all expectations, being quite different to her father in terms of approach, but having his talent and discipline. She became one of the youngest knights at the age of eighteen, which also led to her becoming one of the youngest lieutenants at the age of twenty one, giving a fair amount of power within the ranks of The Knights of Alderhardt. There was much controversy with this decision; however, with many saying that she was simply too green. Due to her friendship with the princess (at the time) Niomi Mietner, a great number of people discredited her achievements, but were quickly silenced after her leadership during the investigation of the King (Florian Meitner's) death, earning her an additional award with the new ruler.


Shari Eichwald

Adopted Daughter (Vital)

Towards The Demon Knight



The Demon Knight

Adoptive Father (Vital)

Towards Shari Eichwald



Current Location
Date of Birth
8th of Imnis
Year of Birth
459 ADE 23 Years old
Straight, Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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