Thuni Khem Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Thuni Khem

The Gentle Mystic

Once a senior lecturer of transmutation at the Ridrose Institute of Magic, Thuni Khem, a wise and well respected mage by all accounts, decided that, after King Florian Meitner's retreat from the Oshal deserts, he would go east of The Ithryl Woods, to the country of Knaeva, and use the years he had left to aid the Sentinels in defeating the yuan-ti of Oshal, so that the generations after him would not suffer at the hands of these fiends. Despite his age, Thuni is still as sharp as ever, and often spends his time teaching the Sentinels what he can about magic, as well as aiding their efforts with his use of teleportation circles. Patient and kind, many of the Sentinels have taken to calling him The Gentle Mystic, partly due to his refusal to take lives.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thuni, like many mages of Alderhardt, studied at the Ridrose Institute of Magic. Skilled and talented, Thuni discovered his love for teaching others there, shortly after he graduated, which later led him to becoming a professor there. Like many others, he fell in love, got married and had a child. Life was good to Thuni, until his son, Len, joined The Knights of Alderhardt, and marched off to the Oshal deserts. Thuni would not see his son again, and this realisation broke his wife, Nara, who would later die of a broken heart. The only thing that had kept him going after that was his friendship with fellow professor Gazlore, allowng him to get through the worst years of his life. When Alderhardt pulled out of the Oshal campaign, Thuni decided that he could not longer stay in the country in good conscience, leaving to aid those in Knaeva so that he could avenge his son's death in the most honorable way possible.
Date of Birth
29th of Rizora
398 ADE 481 ADE 83 years old

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