Florian Meitner Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Florian Meitner

King Florian Mietner

Current King of Alderhardt, and residing in the capital city of Kitzstadt. Due to many recent events, Florian is known for being a war King, noted for leading The Knights of Alderhardt in many battles again the yuan-ti of Oshal, helping liberating his people from the slave pits. Noted for his his stern, almost ruthless nature when facing his enemies, yet his kind, and very generous outlook when interacting with allies and his own people, on the surface, Florian appears as the ideal ruler. Recently, that ideal is beginning to shatter, due to pulling out of the invasion of Oshal that was in conjunction with the elves of The Ithryl Woods, and the Sentinels of Knaeva, causing his soldiers to protect his lands in response to tensions rising with the Pruvan goliaths.  

Assassination at the Hands of an Unseen Enemy

During Kitzstadt's Founding Festival in the year 481ADE, King Florian, while making his announcement of the yearly tournament that comes with the Festival, was assassinated. The city was put into lockdown and the suspects investigated. It was eventually discovered that the culprit was Ashara Zylris, who had been working alongside the traitor knight Ollorim Daine, along with his retinue of soldiers alongside him. He was then buried in the catacombs beneath the Cathedral of Elysium, alongside his forefathers, leaving his daughter, Niomi Mietner, to rule as his successor.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Florian is an older man, with grey hair that is well kept, yet he maintains a decent build, making it believable that he could be a warrior king. Wearing intricate steel plate mail, with delicate engravings, showing the wealth of royalty. A red cloak, connected with leather buckles, is draped over his shoulders, while an intricate, detailed longsword hangs at his side. Atop his head is a golden crown, with wing like shapes protruding from the ring of the crown.


Niomi Mietner

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Florian Meitner



Florian Meitner

Father (Vital)

Towards Niomi Mietner



Date of Birth
45th of Olarion
427 ADE 481 ADE 54 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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