The story of the Cheese Monster is being told by Mousari grannies to their grandchildren to scare them away from laziness and gluttony, as the Cheese Monster is so slow it only can catch and devour those who are too slow to run away. Mousari children are usually scared in early childhood but soon laugh about the grannies and their silly story. If only they knew.
There is a handful of Mousari youths that claim to have seen the Cheese Monster in person and has founded a secret society to form a force that can fight it (you know how kids are), to become Mousari heroes.
Historical Basis
The Cheese Monster is indeed a fact: a mouldy wheel of cheese fell into the sewers of Bridgeport and its broken pieces got mixed up with bits of Aeum, the material magic is made of... a magic apprentice of the Arcane Academy had accidentally disposed of the Aeum.
The empowered colony of bacteria consuming the cheese (and the Aeum with it) became a hive mind, retaining the general shape of a wheel of cheese with the mind of an ever-hungry four-year-old. Since its awakening, the Cheese Monster grew to a weight of about two tons, completely clogging several drain pipes. It is only a matter of time that someone is climbing down into this part of the sewers ...
Without being able to move, the Cheese Monster grows by devouring rats, snakes, bugs and whatever creatures make it into the sewers, including small dogs or a drunk gnome. Sometimes it tries to lure them in with a deep voice that sounds like it's coming from an elderly gnome sitting in his man cave.
Cultural Reception
The story of the Cheese Monster is well known among the Mousari, as every granny tells it to her grandchildren. Most Mousari do not know that the Cheese Monster exists but believe it is just a story to scare children when they misbehaved.
In Literature
Two Mousari historians have started preserving all Mousari tales by writing them down: Jaluka Grimouse* and his sister Wica*. Their collection includes other stories like "Pied Piper of Bridgeport" and "Snowgrey and the Seven Mice". There have been talks with the Guild of Cartographers, Mapmakers and Scribes in Bridgeport to publish an actual book.
SC2020: Describe a common old wives' tale or consipracy theory from a region of your world. Does it hold any truth?
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Perfect can't wait to read more!
Thanks! :) More incoming!