Luminary Institute of Performing Arts

Work in progress!
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Slightly NSFW!
The Luminary Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA) is Bridgeport’s hub for all things entertainment, offering courses in singing, dancing, acting, jesting, and stage magic. Tucked away in the Harehall district, just a short stroll from the airship landing place of the Royal Airship Company of Farenia, the school is housed in a collection of old grain storage and drying buildings. These structures were sold off when the previous owner was driven out by fierce competition and mounting debts. Now, they've been transformed into a creative campus where students from all over Farenia come to improve their craft.  
LIPA by Tillerz using MJ
  Enlistment at the LIPA is a prestigious opportunity, but one that requires both dedication and talent. Prospective students must first pass an audition, depending on their chosen discipline. Once accepted, students embark on a five-year journey. The annual tuition fee is 1,000 gold coins, covering all classes, access to facilities, and performance opportunities. While the fee can be a barrier for some, the institute collaborates with a few rich patrons and offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid packages to help talented students from all backgrounds pursue their dreams.   The LIPA enjoys a close partnership with Bridgeport’s esteemed Opera House, providing invaluable opportunities for students to showcase their talents. One of the key features of this collaboration are the "Open Stage" events, where everyone is invited to perform in front of a live audience, allowing them to build both confidence and experience.   Students are expected to take responsibility beyond their classes. They are involved in maintaining the school - cleaning up, making repairs when needed, and handling daily tasks like budgeting, ordering food, and preparing their own meals. This approach ensures they don't lose sight of the practical side of life, as many artists will have to manage these responsibilities throughout their careers.  
The Institute helped me find my voice, in every sense. It is not just about hitting the notes; it is about telling the story behind them. -- Millie, former student
The map of Bridgeport, a harbour city located in the south of Farenia, showcases a maritime center characterized by vibrant activity and bustling trade.
Founding Date
2772 PB
Parent Location
Bridgeport, Harehall District
Eloise Vorali
Eleanora Wilks
Notable Graduates
HeroForge Portraits

Classes & Instructors

Vocal Performance and Song Interpretation
Instructor: Madame Eloise Vorali
  This class focusses on developing the technical and emotional aspects of singing. Students work on breath control, projection, and range while also diving deep into interpreting the meaning and emotion behind lyrics. Classes include individual coaching sessions, ensemble work, and live performance opportunities. Students learn to connect with their audience through their voice, making every note resonate with purpose.   Noteworthy Students:
  • Amara Brightsong (elf, 3rd year) – A gifted soprano with a love for ballads.
  • Lila Starwind (gnome, 4th year) – Specialises in folk songs with a light, airy voice.
Eloise once stopped an entire lesson because someone sneezed while on a high note. She looked at the poor girl, dead serious, and said, "Darling, if your sneeze isn’t perfectly in tune, don’t bother at all." -- Sophia Arliss, former student
Madame Eloise Vorali (56, human)
Eloise Vorali by Tillerz using MJ
Physical Description: A tall, statuesque woman with elegantly styled silver hair, Madame Vorali carries herself with regal poise. Her piercing blue eyes command attention, and her voice, even in casual conversation, is rich and resonant. She often wears flowing gowns that seem to billow as she walks, reminiscent of the stage costumes from her operatic days.   A well-known soprano in her prime, Madame Vorali now teaches students how to master their voice. She’s meticulous and demands excellence but is equally passionate about nurturing young talent. Her rich, commanding voice still fills a room with ease.  
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Madame Vorali’s Lost Love: Madame Vorali once had a promising career on the international stage, but she gave it up abruptly. Few know that she was deeply in love with a fellow performer, who mysteriously disappeared during one of their performances. Ever since, she has devoted herself to teaching. Some students claim they have seen her writing letters, only to burn them afterwards. (true)

Students receive instruction in the following two classes as a single, integrated course. Instructor: Eleanora "Whisper" Wilks
Dramatic Acting and Monologues
In this class, students focus on building emotional depth and character development through dramatic acting. Lessons cover everything from classic theatre techniques to modern methods, with an emphasis on monologue delivery. Students practice embodying characters, mastering stage presence, and bringing intensity to their performances. Critiques from peers and professors help them grow into versatile actors.  
Storytelling and Narrative Craft
This class focusses on the art of storytelling, teaching students to captivate an audience with their voice and imagination. Students learn the structure of a compelling story, how to build tension, evoke emotion, and create vivid characters. Whether through spoken word, song, or writing, they practice bringing stories to life in ways that leave a lasting impact on their audience.   Students:
  • Elara Moonshadow (elf, 5th year) – Known for her intense, dramatic portrayals.
  • Tomas Silverwater (human, 3rd year) – Young actor with a flair for Jamondian drama.
  • Ivy Thistlefoot (kendric, 1st year) – Her emotional range is boundless.
  • Bran Copperhand (dwarf, 2nd year) – Has a talent for tragic roles.
  • Kara Eldrin (half-elf, 3rd year) – A weaver of intricate, mystical tales, specializing in folklore and mythic legends from forgotten realms.
  • Thaddeus Greycloak (human, 4th year) – A dramatic storyteller with a penchant for historical epics and gripping adventure sagas.
  • Poppy Twinklespark (gnome, 1st year) – Known for her charming and whimsical tales, full of humor and clever twists, usually involving mischievous characters.
Eleanora "Whisper" Wilks (48, human)
Eleanora Wilks by Tillerz using MJ
Physical Description: With a petite frame and soft features, Eleanora may seem unassuming, but her intense green eyes betray her depth of passion. Her black hair is streaked with silver, often pinned back, and she dresses in understated yet elegant attire, allowing her commanding presence to come from within rather than her appearance.   Known for her ability to command an audience with the softest whisper, Eleanora is a master of dramatic tension. She’s a thoughtful and patient instructor who helps students discover their inner emotional range.  
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Eleanor Wilks’ Unheard Voice: Despite her talent for dramatic whispering, Professor Wilks is said to have an incredibly powerful voice that she refuses to use. Rumours circulate that she accidentally destroyed an entire stage set during an intense performance, vowing never to speak louder than a whisper ever again. Some students speculate that if she ever raised her voice again, it could unleash a disaster. (just a rumour)
Wilks once whispered an entire monologue for an hour straight, and we all leaned in so hard that half the class fell off their chairs. She didn’t even blink - just looked at us and said, "Now that’s how you hold an audience’s attention." -- Elara Moonshadow, student

Dance and Movement for the Stage
Instructor: Madam Rosalie
  Focussing on stage movement, this class teaches ballet and traditional folk styles. The class prioritizes body control, movement expression, and choreography for both solo and group performances.   Noteworthy Students:
  • Lira Windveil (elf, 2nd year) – Graceful and precise, with a talent for ballet.
  • Fiona Greenfoot (kendric, 2nd year) – Energetic and light on her feet, with a passion for folk dance.
Madame Rosalie once made us practice ballet in total silence for an hour because she said 'the music is inside you' - then she tripped over her own scarf. She stood up, completely unfazed, and just said, "See? Even I must listen to the music. -- Hugo Flint, former student
Madame Rosalie (453, elf)
Madame Rosalie by Tillerz using MJ
Physical Description: Tall, lithe, and eternally graceful, Madame Rosalie has long, flowing blonde hair that she often wears in an elaborate braid. Her alabaster skin and high cheekbones give her an ethereal beauty, and her delicate yet commanding movements make it clear she was once a prima ballerina. She is often seen in fitted dancewear and shawls.   With decades of experience, Madame Rosalie now passes on her knowledge of stage movement and dance. Elegant and composed, she’s as graceful off-stage as she once was in the spotlight.  
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Madam Rosalie’s Fae Heritage: Though she is known as a master dancer, Madam Rosalie's grace and seemingly ageless beauty are whispered to be the result of her fae ancestry. Students have reported seeing her speaking to unseen beings in the shadows of the practice rooms. She denies these claims. (true)

Students receive instruction in the following two classes as a single, integrated course. Instructor: Flora "The Quip" Puddington
Improv and Comedy
A class focused on quick thinking, timing, and audience engagement. Students acquire skills in creating spontaneous punchlines, mastering physical humor, and delivering improvised scenes that captivate audiences.  
Juggling and Object Manipulation
From juggling to balancing and more, this class teaches students the art of manipulating objects with precision and flair.    Noteworthy Students:
  • Poppy Quickwit (gnome, 4th year) – A master of fast-paced banter and mischief.
  • Jasper Fiddick (human, 1nd year) – A physical comedian with great slapstick skills.
I’ve never been more tired or laughed more in my life. And I still can’t juggle, but I’m getting there! -- Jasper Fiddick, 1st year jester-in-training
Flora "The Quip" Puddington (37, gnome)
Flora Puddington by Tillerz using MJ
Physical Description: Small and sprightly, Flora has wild, curly red hair that seems to mirror her personality - bright and unpredictable. Her eyes are a sharp, intelligent brown, and she often wears vibrant, patterned clothing that adds to her larger-than-life energy. Despite her small stature, she has a presence that fills any room.   Full of clever remarks and sharp comebacks, Flora is a rising star in the world of comedy. She teaches students the art of wordplay and improv with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, ensuring no lesson is ever dull. She is a familiar face to anyone who attends the Open Stage nights at the Opera House.  
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The Hidden Quill: While Flora is known for her quick-witted verbal sparring, she’s secretly a talented writer and has penned several famous comedic plays under a pseudonym. Despite her desire to remain anonymous, rumours persist among students that Flora is the elusive playwright behind some of the most popular comedies performed in Bridgeport. (true)

Stage Magic and Illusion
Instructor: Master Balthazar the Bewilderer
  In this course, students learn the secrets behind stage illusions, sleight of hand, and misdirection. They study non-magical tricks, perfecting their ability to create illusions that dazzle the audience. Students practice both small tricks and grand illusions, working with props, lights, and stage effects. The emphasis is on storytelling through magic, using the illusion to draw the audience into a fantastical world.   Noteworthy Students:
  • Bram Stoutarm (dwarf, 1st year) - A magician with a flair for disappearing acts. His favourite: making beer disappear.
  • Nina Flashspark (gnome, 2nd year) - Known for her dazzling card tricks.
Balthazar once told me he could make my worries disappear. I said, 'Great! Start with your last performance.' -- Eleanora "Whisper" Wilks
Master Balthazar the Bewilderer (77, human)
Balthazar the Bewilderer by Tillerz using MJ
Physical Description: An eccentric figure with wild, white hair and a long, flowing beard, Balthazar’s deep-set eyes seem to be constantly assessing the world for its hidden secrets. He wears long, richly coloured robes adorned with mystical symbols, and his hands are always moving - whether conjuring illusions or stroking his beard thoughtfully.   Master Balthazar has performed magic across the lands for over fifty years. His flamboyant teaching style matches his grand knowledge of illusionary magic, often leaving students in awe.  
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The Disappearing Assistant Scandal: Years ago, during one of his performances, Balthazar’s stage assistant mysteriously disappeared. The assistant was meant to reappear, but instead, she vanished for real. No one ever figured out what happened. To this day, he refuses to talk about the incident. (true)

Institute Overview

Luminary Institute of Performing Arts

Note: All images made by Tillerz using MidJourney. Map created with Dungeon Alchemist.

Cover image: lipa-header by Tillerz using MJ


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Sep 15, 2024 13:24

A school for performening arts is super cool! And of course, improv and comedy is taught by a gnome. Very fitting ;)

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.
Sep 15, 2024 13:58 by Tillerz

X-D By whom else?

Sep 15, 2024 13:34 by Mihkel Rand

I like the layout you did for the classes and instructors! Very neat :D

Creator of Lethea and Pekkola

Maker of Maps
Sep 15, 2024 13:59 by Tillerz

You got it so much cleaner, though, I have a lot of whitespace I can't get rid of. :-(

Sep 15, 2024 18:36 by Logan

very cool ... and love all the customization of the layout ... I have to figure out how to do this kind of stuff!

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