Attorney General


To be granted the title of Attorney General, one must have at least 6 years of military experience overall and must be of a current rank of at least Lieutenant Colonel.


Attorney General's are appointed both to the administration as a whole, overseeing the military sector of the government, but also to the Small Council which acts as a buffer between the Grand Chancellor and the Secretaries of the various other sectors.


The Attorney General oversees the training and deployment of Albion's military forces, as well as the upkeep and provision of any camps, forts or units. They also have a general thumb to the pulse of conflict with Albion's settlements and knows when intervention is requires to keep the peace. Additionally in times of military turmoil and war, the Attorney General leads all militaristic action. This is taken mostly independently but significant actions do require authorisation by the Grand Chancellor them self.


Larger than the internal workings of Albion's Military, the Attorney General also ensures peaceful occupation of territories beyond it's borders. Treaties are kept to and, when neighbours call for aid, Albion answers.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Like all members of the general administration, the Grand and High Chancellor may remove a sitting member for any such reason, so long as they have cause to do so.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Grand Chancellor
Length of Term
5 Years
Reports directly to
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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