High Chancellor


When a Grand Chancellor is elected to lead, they appoint a High Chancellor to take office with them. They then work with the Grand Chancellor to appoint administration positions, make trade deals, alliances and any other high profile task befitting of the governmental leaders.


The High Chancellor has the authority to speak on behalf of the Grand Chancellor at Summit Meetings and can act as their proxy in the Small Council and the Senate. They also often attend public events and give speeches and motivational addresses both within the Magisterium and to the Gallberdean and Bellendar Schools

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Grand Chancellor may dismiss a High Chancellor at their discretion, though strictly speaking they would need cause to do so. Otherwise, the High Chancellor follows the same 5 year term but ordinarily would not be subject to their own recall vote in the way the Grand Chancellor can be. When the Grand Chancellor is replaced however, the High Chancellor oversees the change of administration and steps down when the new cabinet is chosen.
Civic, Diplomatic
Form of Address
High Chancellor
Source of Authority
The Grand Chancellor
Length of Term
5 years
Reports directly to
Related Locations
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