Bhumi Kaowtor


Religion Teacher at College for Adventurers at Minos Point - a cleric of Dodnir who teaches all gods and understandings. She is dark of skin, and very spiritial. does yoga and meditates.

From The Newsletter

    This is Bhumi Kaowtor, spirtial heart of CAMP. A cleric ofDodnir she teaches many relgious classses, and uses her free time to teach yoga and meditation.   Professor Kaowtor teaches Relgious Studies, Channel Divinty and Piety. Three courses essencial to any cleric, or to anyone wishing to understand the way the gods affect the world around them.   She is a woman who has found her peace, and she wants to help others find that peace aswell. She has a husband. Davar Rekaad , and two children, a daughter Samhi, and a son, Kelv. They live on campus, with Davar looking to leave his job as a remote accountant for a bank back on Mageia.   Bhumi studied in Gruzta as a teen, but then moved to Mageía where she met Davar, and studied further. It was there that she met Nataal Sairoisi , the last Headmaster of CAMP and the one who recruited her to teach, and who died on campus.    


  She has chestnut brown skin and black hair. Her eyes are all white, and she often wears complicated jewelery paired with simple dresses.    

Known History

  During her days at College for Adventurers at Minos Point she dated many boys, including Alvis Sifuentes . She was close friends with Nataal Sairoisi , Stellio Copperfield and Ulrich Atzetari as well.
Six years before CAMP Year One she killed Nataal Sairoisi and helped cover it up with her friends.
She marries and divorces Alvis Sifuentes at one poiint.
Later marries Davar Rekaad and has two children, Samhi Rekaad and Kelv Rekaad .
Becomes Relgion teacher at College for Adventurers at Minos Point and during CAMP Year One she appears many times before getting arrested and jailed.

Long Summery

Bhumi’s character arc is one of descent into darkness. Initially portrayed as a knowledgeable and somewhat enigmatic figure, her true nature and the extent of her involvement in criminal and morally dubious activities are gradually revealed. Her story is marked by a blend of personal tragedy and calculated ambition, leading to her eventual downfall. Bhumi’s character serves as a reminder of the dangerous paths that knowledge and power can lead to, making her one of the more tragic and complex figures in the series.


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