Nataal Sairoisi


Naatal Sairoisi was the Headmistress of College of Adventurers at Minos Point before Stellio Copperfield .   She recruited Bhumi Kaowtor and many others to teach at the school.   She was found dead six years ago, and her killer was never found.   Naatal was a legendary cleric, one who was known to rub shoulders with gods and heroes. She fought dragons, fiends, and fey, and saved entire cities.
  According to the The Sophia Starr Paradox : During The Sunken Salvage War She invited refugees to College of Adventurers at Minos Point to find food and shelter and resources to get them back on their feet.


  Shadar-kai, with short white hair, often wears a blend of cleric robes and light armor.   

Known History

  She studied at College for Adventurers at Minos Point and later elsewhere. She became Headmaster of CAMP and helped change the school. She once dated Bhumi Kaowtor .
She is eventually murdered by Bhumi Kaowtor .

CAMP Year One is the story of the uncovering of the secrets around her murder.
During CAMP Year Two she is returned to life thanks to Iris and a wish by her brother Mr Light


Nataal, once the headmaster of CAMP, was murdered by Bhumi, a significant event that drove the central mystery of the first season of CAMP. Her death and the investigation surrounding it played a major role in shaping the dynamics of the story, influencing character motivations and the unfolding plot.


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