Alvis Sifuentes


Vice Principal - tough, but fair, former lawyer, tiefling, grandson of Eromena {New God} , Alvis Sifuentes     He grew up on he shore and studied in Seirá to become a lawyer and advocate.   He is known for defending heroes against Nobels.   He is recruited to College of Adventurers at Minos Point to be the Vice Principal and day to day manager of the school

Known History

  He comes to age in he lawless city, getting a scholarship to College for Adventurers at Minos Point as the current Leonin King takes control. He learns the law and opens an office where he defense heroes and adventurers against changes.   He becomes well known and is recruited to College for Adventurers at Minos Point soon after to be a teacher.
As student He is friends with Stellio Copperfield and Ulrich Atzetari , and dates Bhumi Kaowtor .
He is writer.
He married and divorced Bhumi Kaowtor .
During CAMP Year One he is the Vice Principal and a constant problem for the students. He is eventuially arrested for the cover up of the murder of Nataal Sairoisi .
During CAMP Year Two he helps the students at court as a part of his work release, and later manipulates them and meets them in Hell where he is double crossed by Cila Colkyre and Iris . He wanted to be the Arch Devil of the 8th Circle but instead is cast away and not seen again this season.

Long Summery CAMP Year One

  Sufientes is a character in CAMP Year One  whose story is deeply intertwined with the political and darker elements of CAMP and the College for Adventurers at Minos Point , making him a significant figure in the unfolding drama.
Key Traits and Role:
Position at the Academy: Sufientes is an influential figure within the academy, The Vice Principal. His role gives him significant power and influence over the events that occur within the school.
  Complex Relationships:
  Bhumi Kaowtor : Sufientes has a complicated relationship with Bhumi, another prominent figure at the academy. Their relationship evolves throughout the season, eventually becoming public. They were once married, and now again, lovers. The nature of their relationship and its implications play a significant role in the season's narrative.
Senator Gaius Basil : Sufientes is revealed to have connections with Consul Gaius Basil , suggesting his involvement in broader political conspiracies. This connection ties him to the larger power struggles both within and outside the academy.
Involvement in Darker Plots:
  Baalzebul Connection: It is revealed that Sufientes sought a favor from Beelzebul, the Lord of Flies, to keep Bhumi out of jail. This revelation highlights his willingness to engage with dark forces to achieve his goals, marking him as a morally ambiguous character.
Manipulations and Secrets: Sufientes is involved in several secretive and potentially sinister activities, including his manipulation of events at the academy. His actions suggest a deeper agenda, possibly involving the manipulation of students and staff to further his own power or protect his interests.

Involvement in the Academy's Crises: Sufientes is central to many of the crises that occur at the academy, whether directly through his actions or indirectly through his influence over other key figures. His role in these events often places him at the heart of the conflicts that drive the season's plot.
Final Developments:
  Retirement of Ulrich Atzetari :  Toward the end of the season, Sufientes is involved in the transition of power within the academy, particularly concerning the retirement of Ulrich. This event marks a shift in the power dynamics at the academy, with Sufientes playing a key role in shaping the future leadership.
Sufientes’s story in Season 1 is one of power, manipulation, and complex relationships. As a high-ranking figure within the academy, he wields significant influence over the events that unfold, often working behind the scenes to manipulate outcomes to his advantage. His relationship with Bhumi and his connection to dark forces like Beelzebul add layers of intrigue and moral ambiguity to his character. Throughout the season, Sufientes is involved in key events and crises, making him a pivotal figure in the ongoing drama at the academy. His actions and decisions have far-reaching consequences, both for himself and for the broader narrative of the season.


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