Ulrich Atzetari


The Father of Theo Atzetari
Also has a child with Eromena {New God}
    Helped Bhumi Kaowtor cover up her murder of Nataal Sairoisi
  Former leader of the East Side Cobras.
  Former Constable of Bliznia .
Was manipulated by Iris during CAMP Year Two to help create the Bliznian Civil War , and allow the Divine Coup to happen.
Was best friends with Stellio Copperfield


  Ulrich is a handsome middle-aged human with a scruffy face and a wicked smile.   His dark brown hair is worn tousled and he runs his hands through it often.  During his days in the Cobras, he is never seen without his leather cut, which is well-worn but lovingly maintained.    

Known History

  Went to both East Bliznia High and College for Adventurers at Minos Point as a teen, Played battle ball for both teams. Was close frineds with Stellio Copperfield and was a member of East Side Cobras .
He ends up taking control of the Cobras.
He helps cover up the murder of Nataal Sairoisi .
He has Theo Atzetari with an unknown mother.
He is hired during CAMP Year One to teach tactics at College for Adventurers at Minos Point by Stellio Copperfield , who needs a replacement for the recently murdered Gaius Manus . He leaves town at the end of CAMP Year One
He returns to Bliznia mid CAMP Year Two when he takes the job as the new Constable of Bliznia , this is all a ruse by Iris though, so she could manipulate him into her ultimate goal, to get her a 4th sect and become queen of the gods.
He is latered killed by Cosmos during the Bliznian Civil War along with Thomas Bareak .

Long Summery at End of CAMP Year Two

Ulrich is a central and multifaceted character in the series, known for his complex personality, deep connections to other major characters, and significant role in the unfolding events of Bliznia . His character is defined by his leadership, moral struggles, and the heavy burdens he carries.
Background and Leadership:
Ulrich is a seasoned and respected leader, often seen as a father figure or mentor to many. His leadership qualities are evident in his role as a Constable of Bliznia and later as a key figure in the various factions that emerge throughout the series. Ulrich's experience and wisdom make him a natural leader, but his position also brings significant challenges and moral dilemmas.
  Relationship with Theo Atzetari :
One of Ulrich's most important relationships is with his son, Theo Atzetari . Their relationship is complex, marked by both deep affection and significant tension. Ulrich's expectations for Theo are high, and he often struggles with how to guide his son through the dangerous and morally ambiguous world they inhabit. This father-son dynamic is central to both characters' development and is a key driver of their actions throughout the series.
  Role in Bliznea’s Power Struggles:
Ulrich is deeply involved in the power struggles that define Bliznea. As Constable of Bliznia , he is responsible for maintaining order in a city increasingly consumed by chaos and corruption. His role becomes even more complicated as the series progresses, and he finds himself entangled in the battle between the East Side Cobras , the Reptilians , and the devilish forces that seek to control Bliznea.
  Moral Struggles and Burdens:
Ulrich is a character burdened by the weight of his responsibilities and the difficult choices he must make. He is often portrayed as a man of strong principles, but the situations he faces force him to confront the gray areas of morality. This is especially evident in his interactions with Theo, where Ulrich must balance his desire to protect his son with the harsh realities of the world they live in.
  Involvement in Supernatural Conflicts:
Ulrich's involvement in the series' supernatural elements is significant. He is aware of the dark forces at play in Bliznea and often works behind the scenes to counteract their influence. This involvement places him in direct conflict with characters like Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil , who have embraced devilish powers. Ulrich's understanding of these forces and his efforts to combat them are crucial to the resistance against the city's corruption.
  Crucifixion and Final Struggles:
One of the most dramatic moments for Ulrich comes when he is captured and crucified as part of a brutal power struggle, known as the Bliznian Civil War . This event is a culmination of the many threats he has faced throughout the series and symbolizes the intense physical and moral suffering he endures. His crucifixion serves as a powerful moment of resistance against the forces seeking to destroy him.
  Legacy and Impact:
Ulrich's legacy is that of a strong, principled leader who faced immense challenges with courage and determination. His influence on characters like Theo and others in his circle is profound, and his actions have a lasting impact on the fight against the dark forces in Bliznea. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, Ulrich's character embodies the struggle to uphold justice and morality in a world where both are constantly under threat.


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