Thomas Bareak


A rich member of Bliznia socity.   Served on the Board of Governers for College of Adventurers at Minos Point   Eventually tried to coup and take over Bliznia during Bliznian Civil War     Was killed during the battle of Bliznia by Divine magic of Cosmos .  

Known History

  He first appears during the end of CAMP Year One , and during CAMP Year Two he comes a major antagonist.
He first appears to be an ally of Percival Bloom and Gaius Basil but soon becomes an thorn in their side. Encouraging the students to rob Basil Mansion . During the chaos over the first many weeks between The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil and the Bliznian Civil War he recruits and builds teams and legions.
He captures and later kills Saxi Rarodell, the botany teacher at CAMP because she refuses to make him a a poison for devils. During the war he turns on Percival Bloom and is eventually killed by Cosmos in an act of divine justice. His death also lead to the death of Ulrich Atzetari .
Many of his followers were later tried for Treason.

Long Summery at end of CAMP Year Two 

Thomas Barique is a character shrouded in intrigue and ambiguity, playing a significant role in the series' complex web of politics, supernatural elements, and power struggles within Bliznia . His actions and affiliations make him a figure of both suspicion and influence.
Background and Role:
Thomas Barique is introduced as a member of Bliznea's elite, holding a position of authority as a member of the CAMP Board of Governors . His involvement in the governance of Bliznea places him at the center of many key decisions and events that shape the city’s political landscape. His influence extends beyond mere politics, touching on the darker, more corrupt aspects of Bliznea's society.
  Connections and Alliances:
Thomas is connected to several key figures in the series, often working in the shadows to manipulate events to his advantage. He is associated with Percival Bloom  and other influential characters, suggesting that he is deeply embedded in the city’s power structure. His connections are not always clear-cut, as he operates in a morally gray area, making alliances with various factions, including those involved in criminal activities.
  Involvement in the Heist and Betrayal:
Thomas plays a crucial role in the heist of Gaius Basil 's mansion, where he demands a cut of the loot, revealing his self-serving nature. His involvement in the heist and subsequent actions raise suspicions about his true motives. He is revealed to be aware of key events before they unfold, such as the planned attack on the Senate, indicating his deep entanglement in the series’ conspiracies.
  Supernatural and Political Machinations:
Thomas’s character is closely tied to the series' supernatural elements, particularly the influence of devils and other dark forces. His interactions with these elements are marked by an understanding of their power and how to manipulate them to his benefit. This makes him a dangerous player in the series' political and supernatural power struggles.
  Role in Ulrich's Capture:
One of Thomas's most notable actions is his involvement in the capture and crucifixion of Ulrich Atzetari . He is seen leading the group of men who capture Ulrich, highlighting his willingness to engage in brutal and morally questionable actions to achieve his goals. This event underscores Thomas’s role as an antagonist who is willing to go to great lengths to consolidate power and eliminate threats.
  Final Confrontations and Legacy:
As the series progresses, Thomas's true nature and alliances become more apparent. He is revealed to have been present during key moments, such as the murder of the district attorney, further solidifying his role as a manipulator and power broker in Bliznea. His actions have lasting consequences, particularly in how they affect the power dynamics within the city and the ongoing battle between the various factions.
  Complexity and Ambiguity:
Thomas Barique remains a character defined by his complexity and ambiguity. His motivations are not always clear, and his actions often serve multiple purposes, making it difficult for other characters—and the audience—to fully trust him. His involvement in both the political and supernatural aspects of the series positions him as a key figure whose decisions have far-reaching implications for Bliznea and its inhabitants. 



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