Eromena {New God}

Eromena is a genderless god of Madness, Trickery, Wine, and esctasy.

  (This article is about Eromena's time as an New God. For information on her time as an Old God, see Eromena {Old God} .)   They are the patron of Garadoa and the city's many bars, festivals, wineries and breweries worship them in many ways.  
Eromena encourages use of drugs and alcohol. While wine is the traditional form, whisky and other alcohols are common, and drugs are more and more encourages, though often only for extreme rituals.
A member of the Old Gods, and the New Gods
Has appeared in CAMP Myths of Aldatu , Legends of Aldatu Cogs in the Cosmos , Legacy of Halison , Legacy of Eltoris and Curse of the Black Crest    She often is found in her divine pocket demension Grotto of Eromena .  

Known History

  Eromena is one of the oldest gods of Aldatu . She lived in Uzta after the Treaty of the Eclipse . She was and is still the patron god of Garadoa . She is known to have many children, including Josta and Bubba Rovenson .
During the Myths of Aldatu and Legends of Aldatu she is a common ally, and sometimes antagnoist. She first appears at Grotto of Eromena when the Myths of Aldatu arrived to steal the Sword of Zerekoa  to try and kill Heriot . She shows up many times after, including when she kills Orekoa . She tags along with the Legends of Aldatu for a while and at one point they fight multiple versions of her.
She later shows up during Curse of the Black Crest trying to investigate the local troubles, for a while she goes under cover as her preistess, Ruby Sizel . She meets up and works with the local The Black Crest . She ended up forming a brief relation ship with Black Crest member Roven The Lost who is the father of Josta and Bubba Rovenson . 
During CAMP she is called upon many times and eventually has the daughter of Ulrich Atzetari .
During Legacy of Halison she shows up on Thýella during a ball and causes a massive orgy to unfold.

Piety Myths

    The Flooding of the Grotto - Zortgelia floods the grotto and rebirths Eromena, who goes on to avenge her own death, and become a god again (Once per day, when knocked down you can regain 1D20 of HP)   The Ghost of Ruby Sizel - She pretended to be Ruby for months trying to track down a magical artifact, but never could, due to the amount of drugs she was taking. (Once per day, you may turn an investigation check into a critical success)   Madness of Chaos - Eromena does not listen to reason. (Once Per day, you may do the exact opposite of what someone tells you, and your next roll will be a critical success)
The Mercenary Dance - Eromena gets wasted and ends up shapeshifting into a merc to dance on the table of the bar. the merc gets murdered and she kills those who kills him, and looted everyone. (When consuming drugs or alcohol, add +5 to all Performance checks)   The Game Master - Eromena conducts a RPG for the Gods, and chaos ensues, and the world suffers. (You gain one luck point per day, and can store up to three at a time.)   Sisterhood Tour - Estipena, Eromena and Ekaitza go on a magical wagon ride across the world to cause chaos. (Once per day you may add +5 to one sleight of hand check)   The Old God - Eromena was an old god who died and came back to life. (You gain the ability to speak Primordial and Celestial)   The Children of Eromena - From half humans to full fairys Eromena has hundreds of children over the eons. (Once per day you may add +5 to any CHA check)
The True Follower - Eromena died with her high priest, and was later rebirthed with him at her side. He would die again, but she would bless him to stay by her side (Once per day, when an ally falls you can revive him and he gains 1d20 HP.)



previous lover

Towards Eromena {New God}


Eromena {New God}

previous lover

Towards Orekoa


Orekoa (previous lover)


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