East Bliznia High


  One of two public schools in Bliznia . Where many children of the East Side Cobras s went to school.    It is shut down by the Senate of Bliznia during CAMP Year One. Many students are transfered to Bliznia High School and some got scholorships to 

Notable Alumni

Former Students



East Bliznia High is the local rival school in Bliznia, known for its competitive spirit and tough reputation. It’s where many of the youth from the East Side of Bliznia, including those from more working-class and rough neighborhoods, attend. The school has a reputation for producing students who are street-smart and resilient, often reflecting the challenging environment they come from.
East Bliznia High has a worn-down, bleak appearance with cracked walls, faded paint, and graffiti from the East Side Cobras  marking the territory. The windows are often broken or barred, with the school grounds littered with signs of neglect. The vibe is tense and gritty, with the constant presence of crime and gang activity creating a sense of unease among the students. The school lacks proper funding, so the facilities are outdated, and there is a general feeling of abandonment by the wider city.

Key Aspects:

  Reputation: East Bliznia High is seen as the underdog in academic competitions but excels in physical sports and activities, particularly those that require toughness and endurance like Battleball, their team East Side Gladiators . The students have a strong sense of community and loyalty to one another, often banding together against perceived threats or rival schools.
  Student Body: The student body is diverse, with many coming from families involved in the local economy, small businesses, or even less savory occupations. There’s a significant presence of students who are connected to local gangs, including the East Side Cobras , making the school’s environment a bit more intense and unpredictable.
  Culture: The school has a strong emphasis on pride and resilience. Students often take pride in their school’s rougher reputation, seeing it as a badge of honor. There’s a fierce rivalry with other schools, especially the more affluent ones, and this rivalry often plays out in sports, debates, and other inter-school competitions.
  Faculty: The teachers at East Bliznia High are a mix of seasoned veterans who understand the challenges their students face and newer teachers who are eager to make a difference. The administration is strict but fair, often having to balance the school’s rougher reputation with the need to maintain order and discipline.
  Extracurricular Activities: Sports teams, especially in physical sports like football and wrestling, are a big deal at East Bliznia High. There are also clubs and groups that reflect the interests of the students, including automotive clubs, boxing, and even some less traditional activities like street art and music production.
  Community Involvement: The school is closely tied to the community, with many local businesses and organizations supporting school events. There’s a strong sense of identity among students and alumni, with many graduates continuing to support the school after they leave.
  Overall, East Bliznia High is a school that embodies the toughness and resilience of its students, with a strong community spirit and a reputation for producing graduates who are ready to take on whatever challenges life throws at them.


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