Senate of Bliznia


The leaders of Bliznia .     Lead by the Consul of Bliznea . Currently(as of CAMP Year Three Octavia Basil . Made up of Senator s.     The Bliznia Senate Building  is destroyed during CAMP Season 2. Before that it also housed Library of the Senate of Bliznia .

Current Senators(As of CAMP Year Three)

Former Senators(As of CAMP Year Three)


Former Consuls



  • ((Populists(28%))) ((Conservatives(33%))) ((Liberal(39%))) (During Camp Season Two)
  • ((Populists(18%))) ((Conservatives(31%))) ((Liberal(42%))((Progressive(9%))) (During Camp Season Three)

Known History

Established thousands of years ago. During the Leonin Empire it ultimate fell under the Empire.
Recently, in CAMP Year One the Senate is dominated by Consul of Bliznia Gaius Basil who uses his power to get East Bliznia High closed down, and to place a CAMP Board of Governors over the nearby College for Adventurers at Minos Point  He sets up the marriage of his daughter, Senator Octavia Basil with a local laywer, and warlock Percival Bloom .
During CAMP Year Two the Bliznia Senate Building is burnt down during The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil this lead to Consul Gaius Basil taking emergency powers and making his new son in law Percival Bloom the King of Bliznia . This new King moved the senate proceedings and discouraged votes. He declared martial law and a lock down that kept the city in fear. After a series of assination attempts on Senate candidates the lockdown is lifted, and this eventually leads to the Bliznian Civil War .
During the aftermath of the war Octavia Basil helps form a new progressive party and moves from her fathers and husbands shadow. She puts together a coalition that sees her elected Consul of Bliznia .


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