Fawks Pluma


A pheonix aracokora wizard.   He wears a giant stary hat and matching rob, he flys by pointing his wand.   He has many children, including Jericho Pluma .   Grandfather to Folantis Pluma   He sells drugs to Pip .   He has a on and off relationship with Cassandra Angelos .  


  He is seen at the wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil . He is seen making out with Cassandra Angelos . He is seen selling drugs to Pip He is revealed as the grandfather of Folantis Pluma .

Known History

  Very old, with many children, first appears in CAMP Year Two . He is a drug dealer, and then runs for Senate, and eventually gets a job teaching magic at College for Adventurers at Minos Point .  


Fawks Pluma is a Phoenix Aarakocra who plays a significant role in tCAMP Year Two . As a powerful being, Fawks originates from volcanic islands and has a deep connection to magic, being particularly skilled as a wizard. Like many phoenixes, Fawks possesses the ability to be reborn from his ashes unless destroyed before rebirth, adding a mythical layer to his existence.
In his long life, Fawks has mentored several prominent individuals, including some teachers at College for Adventurers at Minos Point  and even figures like Gaius Basil . His reputation extends far beyond his magical prowess, allegedly having saved the world multiple times, earning respect from many. Despite his significant accomplishments, he tends to remain elusive and is difficult to track down, as he drifts in and out of the lives of those he once taught or influenced.
  Fawks has had many children throughout his lifetime, further cementing his legacy across different regions and generations. His interaction with students and staff at CAMP reveals his wisdom and insight, but also his occasional detachment from mortal concerns, as his perspective spans centuries. Despite his profound connections to magic and history, Fawks remains somewhat aloof.


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