Cassandra Angelos


Strategyfield Coach - nerdy woman, bard of lore, coaches Strategyfield, teaches Magical Items, worships Zortgilea , a war historian, also revers Galil, Cassandra Angelos. She is a half elf-ish, being a grandchild of Iris  and Sinclair .   A now former magic teacher at College for Adventurers at Minos Point .   Oversaw the summer internship for the museum in Seirá , which included alum such as Folantis Pluma and Hyria Valeriana .  

Known History

  Taught at College for Adventurers at Minos Point for many decades. Including CAMP Year One and CAMP Year Two .   Had an affair with Fawks Pluma which lead to her being dismissed from the school.    Status is unknown at start of CAMP Year Three


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