The Emerald Hood


Orginally introduce only vaugly, it is revealed that The Emerald Hood was Actually Oliver Eltoris . He becomes a central figure of CAMP Season Two.   He is the mentor of Theo Atzetari  


  Little Is known about The Emerald Hood.   He is both a Target and a suspect according to Gaius Manus   He shot Davar Kaowtar for some reason.   He met Hyria Valeriana down by the docks before he raided a warehouse.     He is revealed to be named Oliver Eltoris, the son of Conner Eltoris , who was the orginal Emerald Hood.

Known History

  Orginally Conner Eltoris and now Oliver Eltoris and always leader of Team Hood .
He appears in CAMP Year One as a vigilante and shadow, and in CAMP Year Two as an ally.  

Long Summery of CAMP Year One 

The Emerald Hood is a mysterious and enigmatic figure whose story in Season 1 is deeply intertwined with the darker mysteries and conflicts surrounding the academy. Introduction and Early Mentions: The Emerald Hood is first introduced as a shadowy figure associated with various criminal activities and vigilante justice. Early in the season, documents found in Gaius Magnus’s office include a sketch of the Emerald Hood, suggesting a connection to warlords and shady dealings. This establishes the Emerald Hood as a significant but elusive character in the unfolding mystery.
  Vigilante Actions: As the season progresses, the Emerald Hood’s actions become more prominent. He is portrayed as a vigilante, taking matters into his own hands to deal with criminals and other threats. Despite his questionable methods, some characters view him as a force for good, while others see him as a dangerous rogue.
  Key Encounters: The students have several encounters with the Emerald Hood. In one instance, they follow him to the docks, where they witness a fight involving him. The Hood’s involvement in this and other confrontations highlights his role in the ongoing struggle against the criminal elements in Bliznea and the surrounding areas.
  Connection to the Dragon: The Emerald Hood is revealed to have a friendship with a dragon, who views him as an adventurer rather than a mere vigilante. This connection adds a layer of depth to his character, suggesting that his motivations may be more complex than initially apparent.
  Revealing Moments: Throughout the season, hints about the Emerald Hood’s true identity and motivations are gradually revealed. It becomes clear that he is deeply involved in the battle against the forces threatening the academy and its students. His relationship with other key figures, like Olivia Smoke  and Alton Longbranch , further ties him to the central conflicts of the season.
  Final Confrontations and Revelations: In the latter part of the season, the Emerald Hood plays a crucial role in several major confrontations. He grapples with Alton Longbranch, revealing that Aphro  was part of a deal involving a missing piece of their soul. The Hood’s involvement in these final battles showcases his significance in the larger narrative and his commitment to fighting against the dark forces at work.
  Legacy and Mystery: Despite the revelations, the Emerald Hood remains a largely mysterious figure by the end of the season. His true identity and full backstory are only partially uncovered, leaving many questions unanswered. However, his actions throughout the season solidify his status as a key player in the ongoing struggle for justice and order in the academy’s world.
  The Emerald Hood’s story in Season 1 is one of mystery, vigilante justice, and complex motivations. As a character operating in the shadows, he plays a crucial role in the season’s major conflicts, influencing events through his actions and connections. Though much about him remains shrouded in secrecy, the Emerald Hood’s presence is felt strongly throughout the season, making him a pivotal figure in the narrative.


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