Alton Longbranch - to delete


  Bows - A folk hero who was known to rob the rich and give to the poor, he is a member of the The Black Crest , ranger, wood elf, Alton Longbranch   Also teaches Extra Planar Theory and Archery.
A member of the The Black Crest   A Friend of Midas Narkissos .   A known Agents of Sinclair .   Has appeared in Legacy of Eltoris , CAMP Year One , CAMP Year Two and Legacy of Osho .   Member of the Longbranch Family .    

From The Newsletter

  This is Alton Longbranch, the Professor who teaches Extra Planar Theory as well as Archery for our weapons course! Alton is a skilled ranger, and a learned cleric. He has won archery contests across the world and is known as a amazing bowman. He is also known for exnstive knowledge of the feywilde, and the shadowfell, as well as various other extra planar realms. Legend says he has even time traveled.   Alton is a known champion of the Grand Hunt of Venari , bringing in three allies, though he was the only member of his team to survive. He would use the fame to earn a small fortune and eventually took a position teaching at CAMP to add to his security.   Alton is a private person, but is still known to frequent the teachers lounge for a drink now and then. His off time is often spent in the woods, not hunting, but practicing.  

Known History

  Is known to the party of Legacy of Eltoris as a member of Agents of Sinclair .   Shows up during CAMP Year One . He is a very hot, but reserved teacher.
  At the end of Year one he is named to the CAMP Board of Governors by Sinclair and Iris as a divine watchman.
During CAMP Year Two he is the Vice Principal and though he tries to keep averything safe and smooth, he ends up being manipulated by Iris and causes the students to fall into her plans. By the end of the year he sides against Percival Bloom and Thomas Bareak during Bliznian Civil War .
He also shows up during Legacy of Westwood as a member of Agents of Sinclair


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