Oliver Eltoris


    A handsome half elf who is also The Emerald Hood .   He is the mentor of Theo Atzetari   He is a member of The Eltoris Family   He was on the Board of Governors of College of Adventurers at Minos Point   The Son of Conner Eltoris   Excutive at Eltoris Investments and Banking   Leader of Team Hood      


  Blond haired, handsome half elf, full thick hair, with often varying facial hair, sometimes just a mustache, sometimes a full beard. Almost always wears green.     

Known History

  He was groomed from a young age to join the family banking business and to take over from his father as the Emerald Hood. He started as a vigilante as a young man. He faked his death many years ago, as seen in Who Killed Oliver Eltoris?   In CAMP Year One he is a point of constant theory, being a suspect in the murder of Nataal Sairoisi by Gaius Manus . Eventually it is revealed that he was investigating the murder himself, and he was a central asset to discovering the murderer, Bhumi Kaowtor , and the surrounding cover up. He would form a new Team Hood recruiting Theo Atzetari as Talon, and Cila Colkyre as Tarot. He joins the Board of Governers when it is formed by the Senate of Bliznia   In CAMP Year Two he is manipulated by Iris into making mistakes and eventually going to Hell to take on Baalzebul with Midas Narkissos . Olivia Smoke stays behind to lead Team Hood, but eventually is pulled away by Iris and goes missing. Oliver and Midas eventually confront the devil, and are joined by the Students of College of Adventurers at Minos Point ,. The result sees Midas dead, and Mr Light as the new Arch Devil of the 8th Circle . During the Bliznian Civil War he aids the rebels against Percival Bloom .

Long Summery at end of CAMP Year Two

Oliver Eltoris is a significant character in the series, known for his deep involvement in the political, supernatural, and criminal events that shape the world of Bliznea. His character is marked by complexity, secrets, and a strong connection to the series' major players and plotlines.
Background and Influence:
Oliver Eltoris comes from a powerful and wealthy family, which gives him considerable influence in Bliznia . His wealth, connections, and knowledge make him a key figure in the city's elite circles. Throughout the series, Oliver is portrayed as someone who operates behind the scenes, often pulling strings and manipulating events to serve his own, often mysterious, purposes.
  Connections and Relationships:
Oliver's relationships with other key characters are pivotal to his role in the series. He is deeply connected to Olivia Smoke , a character who often works alongside him in various covert operations. Their relationship is one of mutual respect and shared goals, though the full extent of their partnership and its implications is often shrouded in secrecy.
  Oliver is also linked to several other major figures, including Percival Bloom and Stellio Copperfield , with whom he shares complicated and sometimes adversarial relationships. His connections extend to both political and criminal spheres, making him a versatile and unpredictable player in the unfolding events.
  Involvement in Supernatural Events:
Oliver's knowledge of the supernatural, particularly his understanding of devilish and arcane matters, sets him apart from many other characters. He is often seen delving into dark and powerful forces, using his knowledge to influence outcomes in Bliznea. His involvement with these forces is not always clear-cut, as he walks a fine line between using them for his benefit and falling victim to their corruption.
  One of the significant plot points involving Oliver is his connection to the Crown of Asmodeus and the devilish pacts that shape the city's fate. Oliver is aware of the dangers posed by these powerful artifacts and entities, and he works to counteract their influence, albeit in ways that often serve his own interests.
  Role in Major Conflicts:
Oliver plays a crucial role in the series' major conflicts, particularly those involving the devilish takeover of Bliznea. He is often seen working in the shadows, strategizing and coordinating efforts to resist the growing influence of characters like Percy and Octavia Basil , who have succumbed to devilish corruption. Despite his questionable methods, Oliver's actions are frequently aligned with those who oppose the dark forces threatening the city.
  Final Confrontations and Legacy:
As the series progresses, Oliver's involvement in the battle against the devils becomes more pronounced. He is revealed to be one of the key figures opposing the devilish rulers of Bliznea, often taking on great personal risk to combat their influence. His knowledge and resources are crucial in the fight, though his methods and motives remain complex and sometimes morally ambiguous.
  Oliver's legacy in the series is that of a shadowy figure who navigates the gray areas between good and evil. His actions, while sometimes self-serving, ultimately contribute to the resistance against the dark forces that threaten Bliznea. He is a character who understands the high stakes of the supernatural conflicts at play and uses his considerable resources and intellect to influence the outcomes, even if it means making difficult and morally questionable decisions.


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