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Stars in the Sky

Yis is one of the original Theotians, and one of the main gods of fate along with Cassilda and Omorful'henzio Khakranzee. Yis represents community, the stars in the sky representative of the collective consciousness of the world and its interconnected threads of fate.   Yis demands order of their followers. Fate is a dangerous business, and to be able to influence it to the extent Yis allows is a rare honor only given to those who understand the repercussions it has. Clergy of Yis tend to be community leaders, people with the ability to do the best for everyone. Like that of ants to the colony, followers are Yis are among the first to sacrifice themselves for the groups best interest.   Family is one of the most important aspects to following the teachings of Yis. Never give up on family, treasure them, and above all else support them. Yis is therefore very popular amongst the massive families of Ōkagǒu, Weski, and Kobolds. It is said that Yis themselves had another Theotian that was they considered family. A dark moment in the story of Yis, this other god was a betrayer, one that attempted to use fate for their own gain. Attempting everything and anything to alter their course, another sad tenant of Yis' teachings is that family can be the one capable of hurting you the most. Yis chose community over family in this instance, casting the other god into a darkness along with Omorful'henzio Khakranzee and the The Primordial Wyrm.   Whoever this god was, records of them were never kept. It is a dark story, one considered sacrilegious amongst the clergy of Yis. Some countries even consider the spreading of the idea heresy, and yet it is almost always brought up in some way or another when people defend the Constellation's idealogies. The hypocrisy behind it leaving a bitter taste, clergy sometimes spin it along the lines of choosing community over family, despite the core philosophies of Yis never mentioning this.


A living constellation, its symbol is that of a three stars in a row, two behind the one in the middle. The Threads of Fate are interwoven into the stars in a variety of ways.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Family is all.
  • Community is everything.
  • Law is to be followed, order benefits community and family.
  • Do the best for the collective.
  • Fate is dangerous and only to be altered in the most minimal of ways.
by Capitulize
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
Throwing Star
True Deity
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Constellation, Family of Stars, Manager of Fate
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Three Stars in a row, two behind one in the middle.


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