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The fearless race of weaselfolk, the Tachidoki are a prideful, reckless sort. Charging into the thick of frays, leaping onto the first foe they can get their teeth on, the weaselkin are often the frontline strikers of any major force. Tachidoki refuse to bend the knee towards anyone, much less their own kin, and they enjoy the thrill of battle and blood. Some have personal creeds they follow, others follow the engagements of battle, and yet more still just do whatever the hells they want.   Tachidoki primarily hail from the western beastfolk continents. On all sides of conflict, they have served under the Dynasty and Teobik Trust in similar regards. While battle is always inevitable for the Tachidoki, they have habits and hobbies similar to any other race.   Tachidoki enjoy being social. They typically have big families and bigger friend groups. Despite their lust for war they are actually very intelligent, and enjoy riddles and games. They can be a mischievous sort if left idle, concocting gadgets of unknown purpose and coming up with pranks. A dull tachidoki is a rare sight indeed.   Tachidoki are very loyal to those they serve. Never ones to volunteer for positions of leadership, they are more than willing to die for what they believe in. They tend to worship the war gods Karnassus, Vin Kon Junai, and Doko. Those that are more magically inclined also tend to worship them as well, but include Charon in that list too. Gods of death like Gambler also receive attention, but really, Tachidoki do battle first, themselves second, family third, and worship fourth.   A tachidoki is expected to handle their own problems. They're the prideful type that has that instilled into their very genes. When it comes to adventuring, they make for valuable and social allies, if a bit closed off about their own personal issues. For those that get to know one though, a tachidoki is just like anyone else. They don't really know why they crave battle the way they do. It's almost like something that makes them feel real. They become someone different in the heat, a scary transition that makes it hard for them to differentiate between friend and foe.  


Tachidoki are relatively short, reaching on average around 5"4. Their typical weight is around 170lbs. They are one of the few beastfolk races that can maneuver just as easily on all fours as they can on two. Their eyes are usually all black, and they have long whiskers. They have two perky ears on their head and a sharp little muzzle. Their tail is a bit fat, but really seems to be a part of their body more than anything else. They come in a few different fur patterns. Some brown with white underbelly, some all black, and some more albino with red eyes.  


Type Humanoid/(Mustelid)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity or Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Size medium
Speed 30ft, 50ft. (See text);
Language Tachidoki start with three regional languages. Tachidoki are capable of learning any language they want. (Excluding secret languages)

Racial Traits

  • [3 RP] Form Speed (Ex): Tachidoki can just as easily drop to all fours as they can rise from it. While on all fours, they treat their carrying capacity as a quadraped, and increase their base speed by 20ft, usually up to 50ft. A tachidoki can't be holding anything in their hands while they do this. Changing forms is a free action. If they charge a creature and switch from quadraped to bipedal during the charge, they gain a +4 instead of the normal +2 circumstance bonus on their attack, though the decrease to their AC is -3 instead of -2.
  • [1 RP] Fearless (Ex): Tachidoki receive a +2 bonus on saves against fear effects.
  • [1 RP] Low-Light Vision: Tachidoki can twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • [0 RP] Weasel Empathy: Tachidoki receive a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal towards weasels and ferrets.
  • [4 RP] Scent (Ex): Tachidoki have an excellent ability to sniff things out and gain the scent ability.
  • [1 RP] Limited Compression (Ex): Tachidoki can fit into very small spaces, and can move through an area as small as one-half its space without squeezing or one-quarter its space when squeezing.
  • [3 RP] Tenacious Bite: Tachidoki gain a natural bite attack (1d4). This bite can be used to start a grapple via the grab ability.

Scientific Name
Mustela Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Mustelid   Lifespan
60-80   Typical Habitat
Plains that range between cold to warm, they are a social race often found in civilization.   Average Physique
Very thin, humanoid figure with bestial weasel features. Brown, black, and white tend to be their coat patterns.


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