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The humanoid dragonkin of Aldebaran, Wyvaran are the powerful descendants of dragonkind. Being a very diverse race, wyvaran come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes, colors, and ability. Being as powerful as they are, they lack a certain wordly view. Their kind are often segregated on Dragixis Isle, away from the rest of civilization. Wyvaran tend to have a haughty view of themselves and their race, only seeing true dragons as their superiors. While they don't share that draconic greed that their larger kin have, they do enjoy shiny objects and decorating themselves in a way that signals their status. There are few who enjoy a wyvaran's attitude, and due to their supposed history, the rest of the world has a distasteful view towards them.   Supposedly many centuries ago when dragons ruled Aldebaran, wyvaran stood with them against the scaled rebellion. A story that has mostly faded from the minds of many, that distrust of wyvarans still exists. Iruxi, kobolds, and sathaxrin still hold onto that age old hatred, and the feeling is mutual. Religious differences don't tend to help matters either, as wyvarans predominantly worship the dragon gods Fayenok and Auro'thaken and tend to hate the twin serpents Utosserix and Silinthinius. Nevertheless, there are those wyvaran that have left the Dragixis Isles, and seek to expand upon their experiences through adventure and other means.   Wyvaran are extremely competent at... just about everything! They make for fantastic warriors, excellent craftsfolk and intelligent spellcasters. Their ego tends to get in the way of them learning the more divine aspects of Aldebaran, though wyvaran priests most definitely do exist. Their various abilities, such as flight, devastating breath, natural immunities and resistances, and more make them an excellent addition to any adventuring party if they can handle their conduct. That's not to say all wyvaran are these egotistical narcissists, but they most definitely tend towards that direction. Unfortunately though (or perhaps fortunately), few will ever meet a wyvaran. The race is predominantly found upon the floating Dragixis Isle, along with the rest of dragonkind. They aren't as hated as dragons, but few will even talk to a wyvaran in the main continents.   It was once believed that the color of a wyvaran influenced their demeanor. This myth doesn't hold much weight nowadays, and few can remember this ever being a thing. Some say their was an item of some sort, and the destruction of this item during the scaled uprising set dragonkind free from the influence of the sibling dragon gods. This is preached about in Silinthinius' teachings, but as said before, there is little to no confirmation of this.  


Wyvaran have many different builds. They can be burly, slender, come with feathered wings or leathery ones, many different scale colors, and more. They have two digitigrade legs, two 5 digit hands, and a long powerful tail. They are always scaled, some have horns, others have frills, truly the variance of wyvaran is nearly unmatched, kobolds being the only other race able to hold up a candle.  


Type Humanoid/(Reptile)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Size medium
Speed 30ft, 40ft fly;
Language Wyvaran begin play speaking two regional languages and Draconic. Wyvaran with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Ignan, and Terran.

Racial Traits

  • [4 RP] Flight (Ex): Wyvaran have large wings, and have a fly speed of 40ft. with clumsy maneuverability.
  • [1 RP] Low-Light Vision (Ex): Wyvaran can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • [2 RP] Darkvision (Ex): Wyvaran can see in complete darkness up to 60ft.
  • [3 RP] Draconic Immunities (Ex): The draconic blood innate to Wyvarans give them immunity to paralysis and magical sleep effects.
  • [3 RP] Draconic Resistances (Ex): Wyvaran choose a chromatic or metallic dragon that they take after detailed in the chart below. In addition to gaining +1 natural armor, they receive energy resistance 5 dependent on the dragon they are representative of.
  • [4 RP] Breath Weapon (Su): Wyvaran gain the breath weapon bloodline power from the Draconic Sorcerer Bloodline once per day as a Standard Action, using their Constitution modifier for their DC instead of Charisma. If the Wyvaran is a sorcerer or bloodrager with the draconic bloodline, and his level is high enough to grant this ability through the bloodline, the wyvaran gains an additional use of his breath weapon each day, and may instead select whether to use their Constitution or Charisma modifier for their DC. The type and shape of the breath weapon depends on the type of dragon selected by the wyvaran, as detailed below.
  • [2 RP] Tail Slap (Ex): Wyvaran have a natural attack with their tail. This tail slap is always a secondary natural attack that deals 1d8+1.5x strength mod in bludgeoning damage.
Dragon Type Energy Type Breath Shape
Black Acid 60ft. Line
Blue Electricity 60ft. Line
Green Acid 30ft. Cone
Red Fire 30ft. Cone
White Cold 30ft. Cone
Purple Sonic 30ft. Cone
Yellow Frostfire 60ft. Line
Gray Acid 30ft. Cone
Pink Electricity 30ft. Cone
Brass Fire 60ft. Line
Bronze Electricity 60ft. Line
Copper Acid 60ft. Line
Gold Fire 30ft. Cone
Silver Cold 30ft. Cone
Platinum Sonic 60ft. Line

Scientific Name
Lacertilia Draconem Hominid   Origin/Ancestry
Reptile   Lifespan
200-300   Typical Habitat
Depends on scale color, but the race is mostly segregated to Dragixis Isle.   Average Physique
Tall and scaled, stands tall and has a very long tail. Two wings Range in many different scaled colors.


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