Espin Peninsula Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Espin Peninsula

the Sleeping Beast


The Espin Peninsula is a peninsula that extends south off of the Slavyum region of the Northern Reach of Ethae. Its northern mountainous country gradually becomes low hill lands and flattens out as it reaches the shores of the seas. The peninsula is borded by the Aabanu Sea to the west and the Criup Ocean to the east. The peninsula is named for the Espin people. An ancient people believed to be the first to dwell on the peninsula.


The peninsula has had Human dwelling on it since at least the Randagri Period and despite its reputation as being a backwater land of pagans and barbarians, several of its civilization are ancient and advanced. Nations such as Gonthra, a well-educated culture on par with the Heartlands and their largest city, Berge, has a canal and irrigation system that is far more advanced than any other on the continent.


That said, the peninsula is extremely dangerous. The population is concentrated on the coasts or in large cities. The wilderness outside these cities reach is tamed with all manner of predators. Most do not travel without armed escorts, which still might not be enough.



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