Akavian Tablet Document in Aldern | World Anvil

Akavian Tablet

the History of the Daughter of Soun


Though the name implies a single table, the Akavian Tablet is a series of clay works documenting the life of Akavia, the Soun'are leader of Elf survivors of Dragonfall that would eventually settle and found the nation of Zalpula. Despite being focused on Akavia's deeds the tablets are a good look at the events of early Zalpula.


Only a single original tablet survives to the modern day. This large clay tablet is housed and displayed at the palace of Peafowl in the Kingdom of Bronze. This tablet covers the final years of Akavia's life and her mentoring her son Kusran to be her successor. Despite all the detail the record holds of her life, her death, though mentioned, is not elaborated on, giving no cause of death.


The text of most the other tablets survive, having been copied many times in antiquity, and translated into several languages. The original text is written using Thoaform Alphabet of the Lhaka language, suggesting it was written by Human inhabitants of Zalpula. If it was commissioned during her lifetime or after is not known, though many believe soon after her passing.

Record, Historical


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