Akavia Character in Aldern | World Anvil


Daughter of Soun


One of the most influential figures in Ethae history, Akavia's role in shaping Elf culture can still be seen in the modern day. It is largely accepted that she was most likely the daughter Soun, patriarch of the Soun'are people, and raised in Mya Soun Mair region of the Areian Nations. Her young life is not recorded, and little is known of her story prior to arriving on the Lhakamed shores in 3400sc with her brother Enzero and elf survivors of Dragonfall. Some obscure evidence, points to the fact that the toeman'are arriving with the siblings may have originated from the Onoma community, suggesting she lived in that Elder Tree community after the destruction of Karasaanu and the Areian Nations.


Despite being a prominent figure during the Heroic Era, the only known account of her life is the Akavian Tablet. This was a set of several clay tablets commissioned to account for her time as leader of Zalpula. The mythic accounts of the era, usually only refencing her by name, paint her as the ideal elf that all inspire to be. The few tales that do feature her as an actual player, have her appear, give the heroes a sacred quest, then disappears again. Some even have appear to the heroes in their darkest hour to inspire them to go on. No epic tales survive, if they even existed at all, where she appears as the main character.

Her record, as we know it, begins when the elves arrive along the coast of Lhakamed. The elves under her command attack and subjugate the human of the region. After which she and Enzero divided their followers forming two nation-states, Nuna Zalpula and Ron Zalpula. Akavia ruled with her council over Nuna Zalpula in the western mountains of the Areian Peaks, the region that makes up modern day Seely, and through the Nuna Hills west to Soun's Peak. She is portrayed as a benevolent leader ever seeking to lift her people back to glory and rebuild the Areian Nations.


After Anthealglas the Ever Hungry attacked Zalpula and killed her brother, she moves into the eastern state, founds the city of Thapoddo, and combines the two states into one. Most of the following years she spends reaching out to elf refugees across the continent and building up Zalpula. By all accounts she continues this effort of restoring areian culture until she her death in 3620sc when she is succeeded by her son Kusran. The Akavian Tablet is the only known record of her passing, though it gives no account of how she died.




Towards Akavia




Towards Enzero


Enzero (Brother)


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