Borja Waters Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Borja Waters (bor JAH)

the Graveyard of Borg


Sitting on the southwest corner of Yaren Juhl, the Great Salt Sea, the Borja Waters is a region of the inner sea best avoided. Boats vanish from the surface, and birds are said to fall dead from the sky. During summer nights an eerie green glow can be seen coming from deep below the waves. In winter the waters turn red as blood, with strange clouds hovering over the sea, some reports say these clouds are black and shaped as a great tree.


Myth says a massive tree stump, all that's left of Borg sits below the waves, drowned as the waters of Yaren Juhl rose up after the Gilgurth impact. Most dwellers in the region are terrified to travel out to the sight to confirm these tales. Many adventurers have tried to only to disappear beneath the waters or killed by the locals afraid of waking the wrath of Borg's spirit.


The Borja Waters are understood to be a Shadowfell to those that understand such matters. It is a location that links the material world with Etu Enur (the Shadow Realm) that is Beyond Aldern.

Inland Sea


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