Borg Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Borg (BORG)

Elder Tree Borg, the Second Seed


Borg was an Elder Tree that dwelt in, what the ancients called, the Land of Five Lakes. A region that stood between the great forest, Karasaanu, and the Craddle Valley at the beginning of Anbar. The tree sheltered the Beneten tribe of Valan as they settled the land. According to the Ballads of the Fey'are, one of the Elf founding matriarchs, Juhl, favored this tree among the seven, dwelling at its base, and later below in its roots with her Juhl'are.


There is no information of when Borg began to grow, as there were no people in the land that early in history. The first contact with Borg came when the Beneten found the tree in the early Randagri Period. Records found in the ruins of Benet suggest that the ancient people believed the tree was over two thousand years old at the time of their ancestors meeting the tree. Jenuwan records put the trees origin at 4300 pre-sc.


In Beneten myth, the Fairy of the tree are recorded as claiming that despite Borg's remote location the tree was attacked during the Aggelomachy by Dragon. It was defended by the great falcon Ha Raw, its Narasan (avatar protector), who was himself the size of dragons. This gave the tree and its narasan a deep hatred of the creatures, which was on deepen as the dragons took over the Craddle Valley as Ilu (gods).


When the Gilgurth impact hit Aldern Borg's Mantle protected its valley from the destruction. The impact however melted much of the glaciers of the region flooding the Land of Five Lakes. The Land of Five Lakes was gone, replaced by a new inland sea. Borg's trunk and roots were now under this water lay. This water would eventually drown the tree over the following centuries.


Gilgurth's arrival pushed the Feyite high into the branches with the fairies. Led by the mythical matriarch Juhl, these precursors to the Juhl'are dove deeper into isolation, preventing Beneten survivors from entering the Mantle to ensure there would be enough resources for the elves and fairies.

Narasan - Ha Raw, the Bronze Falcon


Fairy - Often called 'Night Fairies' or 'Ninies', these lost fairies of Borg were told as being some of the most beautiful creatures of the world. Known to dance on the waters of lakes during mid-summer nights. Their appearance is lost to history, but several stories discribe have radiant glowing wings and dark skin.


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