Ranixal Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Ranixal (ran EE axe all)

Toe Frogs


Ranixal, called Toe Frogs by the people of Char'wyn, are a short species of Bullywug, no more than two feet tall. Their large eyes, stockly frame, 'innocent' face hide a vicious creature that consumes all it can and kills for sport. Native to the bayous of northwestern Jerain on the major continent of Ethae, these bullywug dwell in the region known as the Toe Islands.


More monsterous than others of their kind, Ranixal have no tribal structure, or societal norms. They move as they please, only staying in groups of 10 to 80 out of instinct and self-preservation. Though the latter is not guaranteed as these bullywug, unlike others of their kin have no problem killing their own if they see an opportunity and known they will get away with it. They are also the only bullywug that will consume the flesh of their own kind.


Smaller and weaker than others of their species, as well as nearly every other dangerous species they encounter in their marshy home, Ranixal use cunning and deception in their tactics. They endlessly lay traps as they travel their lands, often circling back to check for victims. They use the waters to watch prey and strike when they are at an advantage. Ranixal even use their unimposing appearance to draw in unsuspecting victims. One often acting wounded or sickly to entice a would-be hunter, while the rest of their trope hide and wait.


Sneaky tactics aside, the Ranixal have deadly natural weapons at their disposal. Their skin secretes a poison that can cause hallucinations and paralyze any touching it for several hours. This along with toxic saliva that with ingested or injected into open wounds will cause a pain infection and eventual death as the toxin spreads through the victim's body. Ranixal are known to lick and spit on their traps or rub the material on their bodies to coat it with poisons and toxins.


Bullywugs and Lizardfolk have a long history of hating each other. This is partially due to habitat desputes, but also has as much to do with idealogy. The lizardfolk have a near worship of their environments, as providers of life that should be protected. On the other hand, the bullywug only live to consume, caring little for the environmental impact of stripping the lands of their need. This hatred is shared with the Sshalke lizardfolk of the the Chambray and the Ranixal. The two kill each other on sight, even going out of their way to make an attack. Ranixal regularly cross the Sparre when their numbers are large enough to raid lizardfolk lands. In turn, the Sshalke, despite being an isolationist people that do not normally leave their terrirtories will gather warband venture deep into the Toe Islands in killing sprees. This endless fighting is often credited for keeping the Ranixal numbers in check and preventing them monsters from overrunning human territories. One of the reasons Char'wyn citizens are so willing to show so much respect to their lizardfolk neighbors.


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