Craddle Orc Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Craddle Orc

Umaybadd Orc


Made famous by the Umaybbad tribe, the Orc of the Craddle Valley appeared seemingly out of nowhere crushing Ancient Siduum and spreading across Anbar and Novyum. While orcs had been around since the Kephic Age, their numbers had always seemed small, and they were largely confined to the wastelands of the Western Reach. More of a nuisance for the Dwarf than anything else. This made them little more than a footnote to historians. The conquest corrected this notion.

Like so many nations before and after, the Umaybbad declined, but their legacy did not. Their waves of destruction transformed Ethae. The threat of them is credited helping found the united Novyum under the Lakorth banner. Though their invasion of Tinjir failed, the orcs never left, becoming a constant throne in the side of every nations of the Farlands, even into the modern day. Even in Jerain, where no orc has ever been known to have set foot, the creatures are feared. Generational bogymen to scare children into doing their chores.

Umaybbad fell, its orcs scattered across the Craddle Valley, into the Cutting Mountains, and Mountains of Poe. The legacy of power now only found in the dreams of these petty Orchold. But the orcholds do still remain.

But even with so few numbers the Craddle Orcs should never be underestimated. While most orcs consider their ethnic group superior to all others, it is the Craddle orcs that made truly be the rank above. They have a fortitude the survive and the intelligence to know when to use the brute force common of their kind, and when to use the tactics of negotiations when needs be. These orcs hide and wait, carving out little pieces of territory when they can, withdrawing when they cannot. They have learned for the motto of their greats enemy Queen Rabasa of Hydossia, "To be unknown, is to be conquerable."

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 Int, +2 Con


Alignment: Craddle orc culture has always been militant, giving their people a lawful disposition.

Age: Orcs live average of 100 years with some reaching 150 years.

Size: (Medium) Orc usually stand between 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh between 220 to 300 pounds.

Speed: 30

Darkvision: 60 feet

Sneaky: Craddle orc gain advantage on stealth when in desert environments.

Primal Intuition: Orc have proficiency in two of the following skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Survival.

Powerful Build: Orc count as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity.

Language: Craddle orc speak Orcish and Sidubi, those orcs that interact outside their territories will also understand the Common Tongue.


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