Danu River (DAN uo)

the Grey River


The Danu River is a seasonal river flowing out of the Areian Peaks west into the Cota Ocean. During summer and autumn months the river's banks flow heavy with meltwater from the mountains, while winter and spring sees river as little more than a muddy marshland along its length. The surrounding landscape is arid grassland and largely unpopulated.


The river stands as a soft border between the Cavean Union and the Besed Orchold. Neither nation have strong holdings along the river, both push their claims into the other's side of the river at times, only to be repelled soon after. Motivation for such incursions have little to do with controlling the largely useless territory and more to expand a buffer between the enemies. If not for this political line that the river makes through the western edge of Lhakamed, few would even know the river is there.



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