Besed Orchold (bess ED)

the Blackarrows


The strongest Orchold in the western Areian Peaks, the Besed are also the newest to the region, having appeared in Lhakamed only a generation ago in 6856sc. Their core leadership migrated from the Scaro Wilds to take control of local Orc, known for their affinity with vorg (Dire Wolf) of the mountains. Their orchold quickly carving out a territory in the Gramfells and foothills of the mountain Gramhron. Though they hold sway over most of the Thorn Horn, the heart of their orchold is in those deep valleys of Gramfells between the Fallallow River and Boarwine River.


The Besed are somewhat unique among their kind, as they lead through a council, known as the 'Scola,' rather than a single strong Jabbuk. To be a member of the Besed scola, the orc must have the respect, and vote, of three current scola members, have their own following of foot soldiers, and have a Draa (mate) before being considered for the position. The latter is the far harder to achieve as there are very few female orcs in Besed, and those existing are already draa of schola members or seeking existing scola members. Once an orc gains their seat in the schola, a valley of Gramsfell becomes that leader's home territory. His draa becomes master of the valley, while her husband travels out to bring back the spoils of war.


The Besed are well organized and tactically strong. They prefer to move in small numbers, avoiding needless contact, but are not afraid to engage enemy forces encroaching on their territory. Unlike their fellow orc to the south, the Besed seem to avoid needless slaughter of enemies, preferring capturing over killing. Some respected foes are often allowed to withdraw after the Besed establish dominance. They treat their slaves rather well, seeing them as valuable, and limited resources. It’s not easy to replace a skilled worker or farmer. The orcs have clearly shown, despite their ’softer’ approach to enemies and slaves, they are extremely ruthless to any trying to disrupt the order they have established, such as escape attempts or encroachments into their lands.


The Besed have an uneasy nonaggression pact with their neighbors. The kingdom of Seely to the southeast has a bordering pushing right against the orchold's core territory, with only Cold Cap mountain between the two. This has led to conflict as long as the orcs have controlled the Horn. A three-hundred-foot-wide gravel line has been lain along the border by the humans as a no cross zone for anyone. This has been respected for the most part by both sides, with the consequences of the crosser left to fate without retaliation.


The Besed border on the southwestern side is far more fluid. Both the orcs and the Cavea push the line of control back and forth annually, with the Danu River being the general status quo line for both. While these territorial skirmishes and boundary pushes lead to some bloodshed, the borderland is to remote from either sides core territory, and the fights too small for anyone to commit to a full war that could cost both sides dearly.


The Besed hate the cannibalistic Bura Orchold to their south, but expedition into Bura'a Valley have proved deadly. A full assault on the valley to wipe out their enemies, while considered possible, would have a high casualty rate the Besed can't afford with so many enemies surrounded them waiting for a moment to strike.

Geopolitical, Tribe

Capital: Gramtal

Native People: A mixed people of Lhakamed Orc and Thoa Orc

Native Language: Orcish

Articles under Besed Orchold


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