Dire Wolf

the Wargs of Ethae


Known as 'wargs' in Novyum, 'vargs' in Anbar and 'greybacks' in Jerain, dire wolves can be found in any mountain range of Ethae. These canines are famous throughout the continent as dangerous predators. It is their packs that put the fear of wolves into people.


The common dire wolf of Novyum is only slightly larger than an average wolf and are often mistaken for them. They work in large packs, controlling their territory fiercely from other predators. The animal has an innate fear for Humans of the region, seeming to have an awareness that man is the deadliest threat to them. Once abundant the entire Northern Reach, dire wolves are in decline in the Heartlands due to man, and can only be found in remote regions, far away from settlements. In their remote territories, where numbers their numbers are small, humans are back on the menu and dire wolf packs will clean out entire communities to keep mankind away from them.


The Anbar vargs are similar in size to the dire wolves of Novyum, though it is far harder to mistake them for a common wolf. The vargs have a much more muscular front body and thick, often matted, hair at their neck and shoulders giving them a wild look. Vargs travel in small packs of three or four when hunting and are primarily found in Tinjir. The varg are a deadly stealth hunter, with their coats seeming to shift colors over the year to blend in with the season and surroundings. The varg packs of the western Areian Peaks are smarter than their eastern kin. They have been 'domesticated' by the Besed Orchold. These Orc treat them as allies and equals in the community.


The greyback of Jerain is the strangest of the dire wolves. Larger than their northern cousins, these animals can grow to the size of a horse, and in some cases larger still. To the natives of the Southern Reach these animals have a deep spiritual connection to the world. They are considered guides to the worthy and executioners for the guilty. Nearly always grey or white in color. Females are solitary creatures, usually found alone, while males' takeover and lead packs of standard wolves.


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