Durnasul the Jealous One Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Durnasul the Jealous One (der nah SOOL)

Dark Son of Ireski


Durnasul the Jealous One was a Dragon of unknown color, alive during the Randagri Period. He is considered by myth historians as one of the children of Ereski the Seventh Sister, and the brother of Nipul the Deathbringer. The two are famous in Dwarf myth as enemies of the fledgling race, driving them from their ancient home in the cavern that was Ereski's lair.


According the the Stonefoot Carvings, once the Kefid were driven from their cavern homes Durnasul murdered his sister Nipul, taking on her young children as his new brides. Durnasul then melts the entrances to his new lair, sealing himself and his brides in to hybernate once more, waiting for the era when fire, not ice dominates the world.



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