Kefid Organization in Aldern | World Anvil


The First Dwarves


Recorded in some of the first Stonefoot Carvings, the Kefid, sometimes called the Rathun, or Highland Araduns, were one of two divisions of the Araduns people. Lead by Rath, the Kefid chose to stay in their cavernous home that helped them survive the Aggelomachy while the other Araduns, the Dumid, left to return to the surface world.


According to the Carvings the community did not last long in their cavern home. The Kefid were attacked within a century of the Araduns dividing by the Dragons Durnasul the Jealous One and Nipul the Deathbringer, surviving children of Ereski the Seventh Sister. These dragons attacked the cavern, killing many and pushing the surviving people out into the wilderness.


In the glacier covered mountains, the Kefid struggle to survive, digging into caves for shelter and what little food they can find. In a Stonefoot Carving found on the southern shores of Lake Iootra in the Iootra valley, the Kefid, starving and hunted by dragons, were led by a divine light to a glacier runoff stream flowing deep into a glacial cave. Following this to the bottom of the ice, they found a small tunnel into the rock where the water followed. This underground river led them to the massive Khavit Cavern.


Save from the dragons, Khavit Cavern was warm, had eatable Myces Mushrooms, rivers with cavefish, and Immaru Mushroom to provide light. An underground paradise for a people struggling to survive. It was in Khavit that the Kefid found a home. They divided into Clan Matu, dwelling on the cavern floor, and Clan Sadu, dwelling in rock cut homes on the walls.


In the ages to come, these people would grow, spreading across the Cutting Mountains, tunnelling deep into the mountains creating Waterdeep and the Night Below. From Khavit Cavern the Kefid came into their own as the Dwarf people, and the Kephic Empire would begin.

Geopolitical, Clan


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