Ereski the Seventh Sister Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Ereski the Seventh Sister

Grand Wife of the Mountain


Ereski, sometimes Ireski, is a Dragon from the Randeny Period of an unknown color. There is almost nothing known of this most ancient dragon. Her only record is in the oldest known Stonefoot Carvings. There the dragon is called the 'Seventh Sister' and is described as the mate of the Girgungal the Copper and mother of Dranugal the Smelter, Durnasul the Jealous One, and Nipul the Deathbringer. She along with Gilgungal amd Dranugal dwelt among the Araduns in a mountain cavern north of Bad Enman Anna.


According to the Carvings, sometime around a century before the Aggelomachy, Girgungal takes on a new mate and leaves Bad Enman Anna. The Carvings state Ereski, brokenhearted, also leaves the valley, heading north away from the people of the valley. "For all she loved has passed from the world". There are also claims that she hates the growing number of Nefylmon, seeing them as unnatural abominations against Alu's will and a danger to the world.


At the onset of the Aggelomachy, Ereski appeared to the Araduns of Bad Enman Anna once more. She fought off attacks from other dragons of the mountains while her son Dranagul brought as many of the people into his family lair. Her final act was to defend her son and the Araduns from her other children. Falling fighting as Dranagul sealed the lair from the outside world. A tale every Dwarf of the Cutting Mountains learns at a young age.


Ereski is a beloved figure in Dwarf mythology. She is known as the 'Founder of the Hearth' and the 'Heart of the People,' often depecited in dwarven lore as a guide and guardian of their people.



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