Gonthram Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Gonthram (GONE the ram)

Tsardom of Berge


Gonthram, the Tsardom of Berge, is a tsardom (kingdom) of eastern Novyum at the southern end of the Espin Peninsula. It is a nation primarily covered in mountains to the north and east, with the southern regions being rolling lowlands and old forests. The deep central valley is extremely domesticated, with grain fields and farms covering nearly every square food of the lands.


The nation is a complete tyranny with the tsar having complete control over the nation's subjects. At least a third of the population in conscripted into the nation's army, nearly all others are forced farmers on government land. The army is used as much for enforce control over its the people as it is for defending Gonthram and expanding its influence abroad. Impaling is the most common capital punishment of the nations.


A minor province during the reign of the United Kingdoms of Novyum, Gonthram has risen to one of the strongest nations in the Northern Reach today, second only to Nopum in stability and influence in Novyum. As tyrannical as it might be the nation's government's is strong, with a thriving economy, and relatively safe for the common folk to life their live far from the century of war plague the rest of the north. The iron grip that the nation has over its subjects is felt, but if one only obeys the leadership and kept one head down their will be food on the table.


The Gonthram military has had several campaigns into the Heartlands, looking to take control of the eastern coast to establish a beachhead for invasion. All have failed so far, despite a strong and organized miliary force. One of these failed invasions lead to an execution of the entire leadership of the army. The second lead to a regime change, with a new brutally effective dynasty rising.

Even without Gonthram armies sweeping over them, the nations along the Aabanu Sea have all falling to Gonthram influence over the last decade. Fear of the nations invading them, and desperate need of the grains Gonthram provides keeps these nations in check. Gonthram privateer have become a major threat to the Criup Ocean trade routes, with even the powerful Kingdom of Marras in Southern Jerain taking a concerned notice.

Geopolitical, Kingdom

Capital: Berge

Native People: Gonthra

Native Language: the Common Tongue

The 'Gonthra Eye', 'Gonthra Sun', and the 'Sun's Eye' are the names given to the symbol of the Gonthram, the Tsardom of Berg. The symbol, a superimposed golden sun over the silver cross, stands as symbol of pride and beauty to its people, but fear to many under the tyrannical thumb of the nation's government. The cross is a newer addition to the symbol, with the golden sun long being an icon used by the people of the region, even dating back to the prehistoric periods.

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