Kronar Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Kronar (CRO n are)

Isle of the Old Ones


Kronar is one of the islands of the Parcel Cluster in the Piercing Ocean, north of Anbar. The island is not only the largest and most populous of the archipelago, it is also the largest island of the many islands west of Novyum. Kronar rests about 75 miles north of the Thoamaine Peninsula and sits as the central island of the Parcels.


Kronar and its surrounding islands make up the Parcel nation, a loose alliance of island kingdoms, with Kronar being the strongest, albeit also the most divided, of the islands. Kronar is the most populated region of all Tinjir with 636,000 inhabitants living in the urban centers throughout the island. Two thirds of this dwell in the northern half of the island.


Kronar is mountainous, covered in thick forests. In the past these did not exist, especially in pre-Capedian eras. Kronar of the past was far more barren due to deforestation by the early societies. Much of these forests have slowly regrown after the Parcel War, due to the war's cost on the population. More significantly, however, was the development of using the giant mushrooms known as Taxites in construction rather than wood. Reducing the consumption of the forest by reducing the number of giant tree killing mushrooms that are prevalent throughout the Parcels.



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